As Secretary of State, I would like to reach out to you all, after the newly formed release by Governor Ash, in regards to an advancement with Aigio.
I’m sure you all know my stance on this, and if not, I’ll inform you now.
Behind my opinion, is three terms of experience in dealing with Aigio as the Firestone Secretary of State;
a.) Aigio is unfit for foreign affairs with Firestone due to it’s goverment operations
b.) Aigio’s government has not resolved it’s issues
c.) I do not believe they will resolve their issues anytime soon
With that said, please give your honest feedback in the comments, and vote on the polls!
Would you support a peace treaty with the Country of Aigio?
Would you support any sort of peace talks with Aigio in general?
Do you want Firestone to be affiliated in anyway with Aigio?
Do you feel as though Aigio holds up to our Foreign Policy Standards?
aigio is an absolute joke of a nation. its literally just constant fighting in announcement channels and the founder resetting the government every 2 seconds or firing people he has no authority to fire
even when people do stay around for longer than 5 seconds (not common, GOs are in and out like a damn drive thru), they’re literally all incompetent
also they stole laws from us which is literally the equivalent of stealing tech so they should be banned js /shrug
As Secretary of State for three terms now, I have witnessed first-hand on several accounts the unprofessional meetings with the Nation of Aigio, and the constant interruptions we get with having to deal with them.
On a state-diplomatic level, in regards to foreign relations with Aigio, I feel that it becomes more of a problem every-time we try to achieve something, than a resolution. Aigio continues to strike back against our mutual understandings, and after agreeing to abide by a foreign policy set forth, continues to fail to do so.
We’ve met on several accounts over the past few months, and within each meeting comes to an outcome of almost either;
a.) Threats of War
b.) Arguments through Diplomatic Officials/National Military Officials
c.) Lack of communication/effort by the Nation of Aigio
Aigio’s government officials have failed to hold up to their comments, and have ripped us, as a State, off several times. I’m tired of having to deal with it, and believe most of us on the State Security Council are as well.
Not to mention, the constant government interruptions that would be considered illegal in our Foreign Policy, and the inability for their government to stably function for a decent amount of time. Our State Department at this time, would not like to continue these kinds of talks; but rather stay on terms of communication, but nothing further.
We never attempted to raid them; I’d like for you to be able to validate your statement there, because I have more proof to prove that we, as a government, never raided Aigio, and were COMMANDED by the Minister of Defense to meet at the IDB HQ for a meeting. Nice try.