Episode Four

I 100% agree on what you said canine, I am sick and tired of some people’s “BS!” within certain discord and in-game. They absolutely show no damn tolerance toward certain people and it is truly disgusting and appalling.
Plus you citizens that kill DOT for money go do something else waste of your time.
uncultured swines


this is the stuff that makes me want to get rid off my LEO career and just have fun smh


And this is why the private sector is the underdog here. We have some pretty awesome roleplay opportunities without all of the toxicity of a major department. :slight_smile:

Also, just gonna slide this here. It’s an idea we’ve had to enable huge change in the community through our little jeep business. While it doesn’t remedy the root cause of issues when it comes to “innocent until proven guilty,” it can certainly be a quicker solution for individuals who are not very knowledgeable with the expungement process. We’re going to be developing the logistics for some time so it’s done right.


We already have a rehabilitation program prescribed through law, this is the “No Citizen Left Behind” program.


Do many citizens utilize this program? I know I haven’t heard of it. If you have a link to this, I’d love to see it. Depending on the circumstances, Quest could help felons enroll in that program.


That’s awesome! Thanks for letting us know about this new act. Are you aware of whether it’s been passed or if any citizens have been enrolled yet?


Only way to make congress better is by making it a secondary. Which sounds dumb in role play but it’s kinda true


There so many people who are cut throat and are super dedicated to this… game. It starts to become an oligarchy in which a select people just tell everyone what’s going to happen and how we are going to do it without allowing for other people to step in or suggest ideas. Before you say it, I am not referring to the developers. There are select people in this community that take this game too seriously.


unfourtunatley, i can’t defend my SCFD guys on team, so I go off team with a CFL and protect them from rammers.

im not saying it’s a bad thing env godded us but he took away our guns and the VA problem is still one of the reasons this hell is still going on.


another prime example of a mood some of us have,


you leaked classified information when you dmed me the document




It is against the law for employers to do this if applicants follow the regulations shown in the law. I would pursue legal action if you know you are blacklisted and followed this law when asking your application status.

The law: A Bill to Protect Applicants


i see this shit everyday

the courts are trying their best and we’ve made a lot of optimizations with our new google form programs n shit to try and make a difference here but its all futile when the departments give 0.2 seconds for it to be resolved before yeeting their job

you can literally be doing absolutely nothing wrong and get FA’d and just like that ur boned. even if its resolved in the courts a week later, youve already been cast out so hard that getting back into the game is just fucked (and thats if you get lucky and u have the proof to show that it was false)

meanwhile us judges have hundreds of cases just rolling in constantly and just about every one of them has some important implication that we’d love to get to and resolve asap but we just cant because even treating this shit like a full time job we’re STILL backloaded

tl;dr -
-skye noises-


Personally, I think that after 6 months your crime automatically gets off your record. I don’t really see the point in having them stay on there forever just for the poor courts to have to listen your expungement case. This would reduce the stress with the courts having to deal with a bunch of expungements and would allow them to deal with more criminal and civil cases.

@Skye_Jones is 6 months good for an auto removal or should it be more / less in time? Your the best when it comes to that.



Citation = 15 days
Mist. = 30 days
Felony = 60 days

(Keep in mind, if you can prove false arrest/citation than that day count would not apply)

In rare cases, it can be 120 days if that rule should apply.


I guess I might have to use grammar for once, jeez.

Ever since V1, gameplay has gone down the loo. Slowly, at first, but it accelerated and hasn’t stopped since then. In the past, criminals weren’t toxic. Just as a general rule. It wasn’t easy to be toxic, as a sense. We had great leaders - Rolerain, Mack, people like that to name a few. Some of Role’s policies were… weird. Code lime, for all you OGs out there. And if anyone remembers it, the time that most if not all of SCFD’s personnel changed their profile pictures on Discord into Lazy Town characters. Good times.

But since then, it has become much easier for criminals to be toxic, and as much as I would love to blame this on the development of V2, I can’t. It’s as much down to the… troubled development of V2 - the developer resignations causing a nightmare for bug fighting, the weird decisions made in terms of fighting the lag which will honestly always plague ROBLOX given how hard it is to optimise, etc - as it is down to the legislature and the command.

We’re short on good leaders, these days. I’ve had it mentioned by quite a few friends in other departments that there are issues. There are still some good people out there; take DOC for example, who have established a family, as was mentioned by @ElloNT. But generally, ever since famous YouTubers started coming to ROBLOX, good leaders have been in short supply, and have been unfortunately replaced by younger people. Now don’t get me wrong, that’s good in some cases. But in most, it causes immaturity, bad decisions and just generally a nightmare. Toxic criminals? Bad legislature? A byproduct of a platform stagnated by younger, and thus more immature people.

The legislature has been kind of broken for a while. As was mentioned by @t1dtony and @anon54114525, the legislature has become an easy job to take. Get a bit of extra cashola, maybe get some protection from SS by being an absolute moron, causing them a headache and leading to lowered staff retention rates (wow look at me, big words and phrases! proud of me yet mum?) because of thick-headed decisions made by GOs.

But most importantly, they don’t treat their constituents - the people who voted for them, the people they represent - as you know, people they should listen to. Cops are thrown under the bus regularly by bad legislation that never protects them properly; name and badge policy is a good example of this. The whole “name and badge” thing is used way too regularly by criminals to get rid of cops. Innocent people, oftentimes, who are just trying to do their job. A lot of us officers are incredibly dissatisfied with the situation in Firestone, to the point where many have said that if the situation doesn’t improve in V3, they’ll straight up just leave. Do we need to lose more potential talent to small, idiotic things like forgetting to say their name and badge in an incredibly stressful scenario?

Gonna call some criminals out here, so just bear with me - some of you guys are kinda cool, but a large majority are just utter morons. People like Actvl who scream FRP at the slightest thing; people like b0rg and Philip who sit there in a bank robbery or the middle of FNG base screaming “IT WASN’T ME, YOU HAVE NO PROOF” when they have 10 other people next to them wearing the same thing. Partly, this is because it is just simpler to be an idiot in Firestone. Philip? Pretty cool dude usually, but some of the things you do? Pretty dumb.

Anyway, long story short, tl;dr, whatever you want to call it - the legislature is bad, and it needs to be fixed, along with a large number of bills that make it way too easy to exploit them and get oftentimes innocent individuals thrown under the metaphorical and very literal bus, like the name and badge thing. You’re a good leader? Groom the people under you to be like you, to lead for the betterment of those under them rather than just yourself (yes, I am equally guilty of this, punch me all you want for being hypocritical). Don’t give them the chance to get yeeted into an unfamiliar surrounding which they don’t understand how to handle and get the sweet, sweet taste of mob justice if they don’t deserve it. You a member of the legislature? Cooperate to find broken bills, fix them and stop giving people easy ways to throw others under the metaphorical and literal bus. Also don’t give SS so much of a headache, you’re annoying as when you do dumb stuff.

tl;dr for the tl;dr
congress bad, fix yourself, criminals sometimes bad, maybe try not to be so bad.

signed, the high queen of antland, antador
literally just someone who saw a post and decided to input her useless opinion
i’m very bored waiting for ANG, please give me something to do.

post-post edit, honestly didn’t realise I made this as long as it is
post-post edit edit, wow I’m really tired.



they were getting out of their car yelling and all i wanted to do was do a nice little traffic stop

they were driving an srt tho going 110 down the 401 so i was surprised they actually stopped


ill honestly be surprised if they actually make ANG a thing
they’ll probably add ASU then fed will just decide ANG is useless