Do we really need the F.S. Department of Defense?

nah, but we dont not need it :man_shrugging:


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Usually when you need to state “better safe then sorry” for a departments use, it doesn’t have a use.
DOD is and will forever be useless.

It’s ironic you say that, considering you were Secretary for a good couple of months, and we got little to no updates on DOD’s activities other than you pushing your personal agendas, including to attack CRT.


still mad i called out your agency, so now you attack the one i pushed to create. like i said i have nothing more to say about crt and you especially, what you’ve done and continue to do will come out eventually.

It’s only a matter of time.


Just mind your own business, and stay where you are. It’s not the best idea to poke your nose in that’s not your business. People just like to attack on anything they find to seem vulnerable. Just let us do our thing, while you do your thing, court official.

forum glitch meant for @SerZhukov

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We shall see.


I’ll not specify on what departments precisely since I am not one to affect relations or reputations in this way but DOD does an awful lot more than what people think. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 4-5 departments that have less purpose than DOD.

There are members of this community that are not focused on gaining attention for recognition and glory and would instead be happy with others taking credit while the ones who truly did the work are happy with just knowing they did their job well. The reason you don’t really see much of DOD and might call it meaningless is because they don’t see the need of taking credit for it.


I can still state my opinion, y’know.

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The DOD’s purpose an scope could be easier served by an EO creating a Intelligence Community within the EB, and just allowing an Inspector General or whatever to handle oversight. I fail to see why we need a whole cabinet department, and all the effort and legislation that comes with that


I agree, an executive order would be the best option actually, I did overlook that opportunity in hindsight.

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hello can i get a tldr please

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I’d probably recommend a revision of this department, not through legislation, but rather through an executive order (as @DannyboyJurist mentioned) that would serve essentially as a Governor’s committee for intelligence. This is something I also had in mind but forgot to bring up as a solution in hindsight. I think this would be an effective way of managing our state’s defense, especially considering that the Governor has the full legal authority to enact changes without the need of amending if this were to be done via legislation (which also takes more time to put in effect).



dod when they get called out:

it’s just a joke don’t take it seriously


:rage: :rage: :rage: anger!


This department hasn’t been needed since its inception. Not going to explain why for the 55th time feel free to check any carroll’s corner recaps.


i have served as an officer within fng for nearly 2 years now and i honestly haven’t seen DoD do anything at all in that time span.

when you ask either the secretary or the former secretary (which i’m pretty sure are the only two actual dod employees ever?) i feel like they just give you vague non-answers or call other departments more useless instead.

i get that you guys want to defend your department but let’s face it there really doesn’t seem to be a purpose for it. fng is already a cabinet level military department and has had no problem handling itself on its own. same story for dhs, i don’t even know why that’s under dod in the first place.


I agree, this is why I feel having a committee under the Governor is a better idea and can fix most, if not all issues you mention above.

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i believe there already is a state security committee

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i mean yea whats the point of DOD? theres a war? just send fng to do something in their state lmao

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