SECTION 1: The Department of Commerce shall be tasked with the management of commercial businesses and companies in the State of Firestone boundaries. The Department of Commerce shall be responsible for all government and privately owned property and the distribution of such. Furthermore, if I company and or business wishes to use land in the State of Firestone they have have a license from the Department of Commerce.
SECTION 1.A: Law Firms shall be exempt from this piece of legislation and shall not be managed by the Department of Commerce unless they wish to acquire property in State of Firestone boundaries.
SECTION 2: All businesses, companies or any privately owned group that wishes to operate or use Firestone for economic usage must be approved and licensed by the Department of Commerce.
SECTION 2.A: “Business” and “companies” shall be defined as an organization that sells or offers services.
SECTION 2.B: Any business, company, or privately owned group that is operating in the State of Firestone without the proper approval from the Department of Commerce shall be guilty of “Operating a business without a license” which shall be defined as a misdemeanor, which can result in a fine up to $400.00, the second time the person shall be fined $600.00, the third time, $900 and the fourth time they shall be imprisoned for 6 minutes (360 seconds) in State Penitentiary.
SECTION 2.C: “Operating a business without a license” shall be enforced by the Department of Homeland Security, Firestone State Patrol and the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office.
SECTION 2.D: The Firestone Department of Homeland Security shall be defined as Firestone Department of Homeland Security - Roblox
SECTION 2.E: The Firestone State Patrol shall be defined as: Firestone State Patrol - Roblox
SECTION 2.F: The Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office shall be defined as: Stapleton County Sheriff's Office - Roblox
SECTION 3: The Department of Commerce shall have the power to suspend or completely shut down any business for any valid reason found by the Commerce Administration. The Department of Commerce shall have the power to create regulations or directives concerning businesses and their operations.
SECTION 4: The Department of Commerce shall have the power of distribution of property in the State of Firestone boundaries. All Property that is given to privately owned businesses shall be subject to inspections by the Commerce Department. The Department of Commerce shall have unlimited access to any private business and it’s property with valid reasoning.
SECTION 5: The Department of Commerce shall be defined as the following:
SECTION 6: This bill shall be enforced by Congress and the Department of Commerce.
SECTION 7: Any bills, laws or regulations in conflict with this bill shall hereby be deemed null and void.
Secretary FrancisHUnderwood, Author
Speaker Pro Tempore Ash1835, Editor
Citizen PrimordialMan, Editor
Deputy Secretary R_udy
Speaker NicoloSkirt
Senator Prin_Tag
Representative NotFoundDev
Representative Flakezzz