Communication between Public - Government

Good Evening,

I hope your day is well. I am here to discuss the communication between the Public and the Governments. As discussed before by others (most notably Developer SourcedInfinity (Why i think the government isn't in its best shape right now)), this is an ongoing and growing issue. I am here to let you know that I, and other congressmen and women want your input. Here are my sources of contact:

Discord: Stamose#7046 (please tag me in the FS discord saying “Stamose#7046 DMs Government” so I read them. This Is because it sometimes my Discord glitches and your notifications don’t appear.

ROBLOX: My messages are always open if you just hit the follow button. Sending spam or sending inappropriate things or advertisements will result in an immediate block and a contact to ROBLOX Moderation.

In game: If you find me not busy while I am in game and find any suggestions, be sure to let me know.

Make sure all your suggestions to bills or other things that I have the power to do have context and reasoning. I will attempt to or reply to each and every request made about my opinion on your idea and if I agreed, would update you on your suggestion and where it is going in congress.

Useful thing to look at before contacting me regarding laws:

Thank you,

Senator Stamose
Prominence, FS


??? What?

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