Interviewing?? Interrogation??? INVESTIGATING???
thats like being a deputy for a small town and calling down the FBI to interview someone because they robbed the tiny bank in the tiny town
Now you’re bullshitting me
thats a over exaggeration but half the deputies don’t even know laws such as trespassing laws lol
You’re telling me you’d really trust half of fsp or scso with detaining and interviewing someone? Safest bet is to let IO do it
then teach them the laws??? This isn’t a hard argument
well clearly they dont pay attention in post
i aint no teacher
That’s what I was thinking. I’ve seen the video, and though it does look bad, we’ll need more than what’s provided. I agree that 25 minutes of just sitting there is unjust. I also think that the entire SCSO department getting blamed for the actions of one deputy is just asinine and doesn’t help the situation. We can learn and move one, but blaming all 119 SCSO employees doesn’t help at all.
IO knows how to interrogate in order to pursue criminal prosecution, that’s something scso and fsp aren’t trained for or just straight up don’t know how to do
Then teach them? Lol
I think you have a bit too much faith in the legal abilities of scso and fsp. I mean come on, it’s literally the baseline point in firestone that’s like telling doc to go solve a hostage sit or run an SS motorcade
- Teach them the law
- That’s not DOCs job. You’re comparison makes about as much sense as comparing a Mentally Capable Human Being to a fat pile of steaming shit
I believe post provides them with all the necessary information on interrogation. It’s not that they can’t or don’t know how to it’s that they’re simply not good at it.
They don’t, and they really should. As I previously stated, IO shouldnt be exclusive on being trained to interrogate. Other departments should be trained to interrogate as well. Maybe not on the same level as IO, but a basic enough level that they can do it with a level of competency and not “i know you did this confess rn and we’ll make it easier”
I will agree with @mwb8265 to an extent. IO knows a lot more with interrogations than the patrol units, but half the time, it’s the patrol units who initiate the encounters. On multiple occasions I’ve ended up mirandizing suspects and interviewing them myself, and it’s gone just fine. Yes, some FSP and SCSO are younger and not all understand law proceedings and rights, but you’re discrediting a good portion of the officers.
And on another topic, IO is hardly On. I see them once every bi-week
Btw, all LEO’s are required to know the law and department heads are required to teach it.