a welcome note would be nice
“No point in debating” but continues to debate, gotta love it.
Have you even read the comments on this post, it’s quite clear that the majority of the people here dislike you and your opinion, I’m glad you have some personal vendetta against DHS but you once again have your facts all wrong, DHS is one of the most mature Departments in Firestone
I could care less about your daddy issues, if I couldn’t take the heat I would’ve stopped ages ago
Majority of the politicians are shit lords, I don’t know much about American politics and I could quite honestly care less, I’ll drop my age right here right now, it’ll just show you that your ass is being beat by someone who is “hella young” and if you’ve heard my voice, you’d definitely know I’m not a female.
Loitering might be the same but the way they deal with loitering might be different, I’m going to continue to call you idiotic because you failed to address the fact that I said their policy changed, not loitering.
I actually despise fortnite, so good attempt trying to take shots at me but you missed. I don’t know how my apparent ‘lack of basic knowledge’ is relevant to what you’ve quoted but I’ll comment on it. If I lacked basic knowledge then how come I’ve proved you incorrect throughout this debate? I’ve provided facts and evidence to supplement those facts. If I had truly wanted to insult you, I would’ve done more than those ‘Pathetic insults’. Since you still can’t do your research, I’ve done it for you: https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/shitlord/
Congratulations, I am infact an ex senator, here’s a statement from a current member of congress:
At this point, you’ve stopped debating about the topic and have just made attempts to degrade me. I hate to break it to you but you aren’t going to win this debate, I recommend you stick to your word and ‘end this here’
Back onto the topic of the revision of this law for those who are still reading this; I’m sure you can all see how preposterous amending this would be, restricting LEOs ability to have their weapon out to conduct their duties and to stick by their oath to Serve and Protect. An amendment like this would just hinder our ability to conduct our duties diligently, hope y’all are amused for those that have enjoyed this ‘debate’
i dont remember calling u autistic but ight
what I meant to say
Is that your dumbass brain wasn’t working properly and you were acting like if you went up to the gate they would’ve let you into the base
just let this post die man lmao I’m tired of putting up with fs citizens im good man sure g yep thats totally what I was thinking
you need to go to your corner.
FNG is a military installation operated and owned by the State. They have complete jurisdiction over it, as well if we had a “federal oversight” government such as: a country that has a president. they would also be allowed to mandate laws onto the military base. It is a military installation as where;
a) State Government can mandate and make legislation that makes it were such as;
- Soldiers are allowed to shoot and kill, and or harm anyone that loiters, attempts to breach, or threaten the base and or its soldiers.
- Able to set limits, restrictions, and prohibit certain behavior or actions. That consists of, but not limited to;
i) Loitering
ii) Harassment
iii) Threatening
iv) Inflicting Chaos
v) Disorderly Conduct
b) The National Guard and Department of Defence may set own regulation for their base, troopers, and set up its own restrictions and limitations for soldiers, to take cautionary measures in order to protect the military installation itself.
c) FNG does not have “full control” over its base; they operate there which is owned by the State itself, due to it being a “State Militia” number one. The Executive Branch assumes full control over its National Guard due to no higher power being above the state.
Can I get the law to this?
Not aware of this either, I would like. Bunch of links. Thanks.
The second one I cannot necessarily backup. It is true, however, that the control and establishment of the restricted area is controlled by the legislature, and the enforcement of the laws passed thereby is done by the executive (FNG, LEAs).
the fuck going on
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