Bill to Remodel Elections

A Bill to Remodel Elections


SECTION 1: Any and all elections that are run in the State of Firestone will use either the Single Transferable Vote (STV) or Instant-Runoff Voting (IRV) to decide election results. The First Past the Post (FPTP) system will no longer be used.

SECTION 1A: In all elections that have two (2) or more seats open for election the Election Sponsor (as well as the Firestone Election Committee) must use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system.

SECTION 1B: Elections where a ticket (a group of 2 or more people run as a pair) is required to run (ex: Governor Election) will not apply to SECTION 1A, but rather, will apply to SECTION 1C.

SECTION 1C: In all elections where only one (1) seat is open for election the Election Sponsor (as well as the Firestone Election Committee) must use the Instant-Runoff Voting (IRV) system.

SECTION 2: In any and all voting for positions within the State of Firestone, the citizens of the State of Firestone, if they choose to vote, will be provided with the official voting ballot as determined by the Election Sponsor/Firestone Election Committee. The citizens who choose to vote may rank their candidates, with 1 being the candidate they support the most, and lower being less support. Citizens can rank as many candidates as they want before turning in their ballot.

SECTION 2A: Once voting closes, the number of votes OVERALL will be counted. Then, the following algorithm will be used to determine the amount of votes needed to secure a seat: The number of candidates on the ballot divided by the number of overall votes plus one. (ex: 3/300 +1 = 101).

SECTION 2B: Single Transferable Vote (STV) will be defined as a voting system that uses ranking to determine many seats up for grabs in an election.

SECTION 2C: Instant-Runoff Voting (IRV) will be defined as a voting system that uses ranking to determine one ticket/seat up for grabs in an election.

SECTION 2D: The Single Transferable Voting system, when used, will operate in the following way:
The algorithm in SECTION 2A is used to calculate the number of votes needed to win a seat.
Votes are organized by 1st place choice by the Election Sponsor/Firestone Election Committee.
If ANYONE is at or over the limit they win a seat. If not, skip to #7. If number of winners = number of seats open for election, the election ends. If the winners votes exceed the amount of votes needed to secure a seat, the excess votes will go to their next choice, if any. If there are no more choices on the ballot, the ballot will be removed outright. Excess votes will be defined as: “Votes casted for a candidate after they have reached the number of votes required to secure a seat.” After votes are relocated, repeat step #3. If nobody is at or over the winning threshold, then the person with the least amount of votes will be eliminated and their votes will be relocated to their next choice, if any. If there are no more choices on the ballot, the ballot will be removed outright. EXCEPTION: If there is only 1 candidate left, and 1 seat left, even if the candidate does not reach the threshold needed to secure a seat, they will be rewarded with a seat regardless. After votes are relocated, repeat step #3.

SECTION 2E: The Instant-Runoff Voting system, when used, will operate in the following way:
The algorithm in SECTION 2A is used to calculate the number of votes needed to win a seat. Votes are organized by 1st place choice by the Election Sponsor/Firestone Election Committee. If ANYONE is at or over the limit they win the election. If not, skip to #4. If nobody is at or over the winning threshold, then the person with the least amount of votes will be eliminated and their votes will be relocated to their next choice, if any. If there are no more choices on the ballot, the ballot will be removed outright. EXCEPTION: If there is only 1 candidate left, and 1 seat left, even if the candidate does not reach the thresholdneeded to secure a seat, they will be declared the election winner regardless.After votes are relocated, repeat step #3.

SECTION 3: All Government Officials entrusted with the powers to be Election Sponsors, as well as the Firestone Elections Committee, will enforce this bill.

SECTION 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor:

Speaker. Virginian_State

Governor of the State of Firestone, OfficerVideoGame

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