I can support you, Ash. However, I can’t really support your running mate. He’s definitely not the most strategic pick for a running mate.
not a good running partner, no support
no support because of running mate
bit of a tidbit on ash’s political history in firestone
while it may be over a year ago some of the quotes are more general (see below)
fun read
and heres some hearsay:
verbatim excerpt from the above post because its not really well structured
when a bill was proposed to nullify a resolution to stop legislative spam, and danny told everyone to nay cuz it was a powergrab, ash immidientely said that the “radical left” was controlling our speech. that’s complete bullshit, and freedom of speech doesn’t even apply in this instance
Further reading:
ash did later say that the above dm was meant to be a ‘joke’ or ‘troll’ so you may want to take that with a grain of salt
grossly out of context and slander
I briefly spoke with Ash and I wanted to briefly add some additional context to this:
, according to Ash (and others), was a joke and a meme; potentially a reference to irl right-wingers accusing the Radical Left:tm: of heinous things -
Ash made the motion to eject a fellow Senator because of the interruption
The comparison of gender dysphoria (being trans) to Schizophrenia was something Ben Shapiro said. Ash said that “my opinions have changed since”.
The medal was ash ‘trolling’ and joking around
whether or not this ‘redeems’ him is up to you however I do think it is important for the public to know the full story :)
proud of you auto for admitting your fault and letting the public know the truth
Who the hell cares
evidently a non-zero number of people
did you know under the last ash administration we made it so individuals with criminal records could run/start businesses! and employer’s could hire whomever they wanted regardless of criminal history. were you aware labour laws and employment rights were rewritten and implemented by the ash administration? did you know that businesses saw the greatest support and employee increases in any administration and nothing comes close! ash1835 is involved and has worked for several businesses, i know and understand the wants and needs of businesses in the state of firestone, it is one of my greatest strengths. back to the drawing board try something else!
Support, Godspeed Ash and scrible