Announcement from InValidcarFound

Ello citizens, I, InVaidcarFound will be running for Governor with T_xom running as my LT. Governor, we are working to aid our lawful citizens and department employees, I currently work in DOT and have been riding with the officer’s of our country seeing what happens on a daily, T_xom is currently an Arborfield city councilman, bar certified attorney, and former business owner.

Our plans are to fix the problem with citizen’s now being able to get their CFL, Section 4 of the Bill of Rights guarantees Firestone citizens the right to bear arms, which cannot be unduly restricted by the government. The government is basically restricting our right to legally bear arms with the infrequency of CFCT courses. They are held only once per month, if even, and often at bad times, leaving some usually law-abiding citizens to have to resort to illegally acquiring firearms. We will work towards getting CFCT classes to be hosted at least once per week, and if necessary we will try to amend the Uniformed Control of Firearms Act to increase the size of the FFC instructors.

I constantly witness law enforcement officers in the State of Firestone failing to enforce the law, from ignoring traffic violations to standing idly by while someone is being assaulted or kidnapped. Additionally, non-LEO department affiliates, specifically the DOT and DPW, are constant targets of harassment and crime, and this too is ignored by police. If elected, we will ensure that the DPS mandates law enforcement officers to assist DPW/DOT employees when necessary and to properly enforce the law and not ignore crimes, and we will ensure that the DPS properly disciplines officers who fail to do so.

Lastly, we need to ensure that our government officials and departments are doing their jobs well and efficiently. If elected, we will conduct monthly in-depth performance reviews into the conduct, activity, and efficiency of all cabinet officials, sub-cabinet officials, and cabinet departments.

For a better, more fair legal system, vote InValidcarFound and T_xom for Governor.




Great citizens of this state, I urge your attention to information published by the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security in regards to Lieutenant Governor Candidate T_xom (T_XOM FOR SENATE 2022 - #26 by Mega_Goalie16). T_xom is a threat to the security and sovereignty of Firestone.

Secretary of State


(it would just be funny to see how it would go down in the debate)


That is very true.


any experience in government? @InValidcarFound


Forged proof, completely untrue, and the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t exist.


Negative however when you look at it, those that do haven’t actually be helping the citizens of our country, along with I am a quick learner, I’ll pick up on it quickly so that I can better Firestone.


Even if you claim that the evidence is false or forged, it is still a big allegation. No one wants a Lt. Governor who is allegedly a former terrorist. This is a major security risk to our state. It would also put you in danger as ESU could possibly not give you any protection due to your history.


If I claim that you are a terrorist right now, would you resign or choose not to run for re-election? After all, why would people want an alleged former terrorist as a senator?


There is clear evidence to support the allegations…


explain how this is forged: t_xom - YouTube

plus, not once has the Firestone department of state of ever forged evidence, let alone me.


if you continue to claim that a reputable department that is in good-standing is illegally forging evidence I will have no choice but to pursue legal avenues to stop this defamatory slander.


if u were ever elected, and that’s a big if. no department would ever let you see a confidential document, let alone something that is actually classified. drop out now, its not worth the fight.


my last reply, you’ve really got me going at this point. if u actually have an interest in pursuing a career in Firestone, show some reform. all I see is the same guy who threatened to murder cabinet officials and innocent civilians on Firestone soil, if you ever want the stamp of approval so u can maybe join the sheriffs office id start backtracking on some of the things you’ve said.




he himself told me that he’s a criminal but never gets caught for it when i kidnapped him


No support, both candidates have no legislative experience and the lt gov candidate is clearly not trustable.


I have many concerns about this part of your agenda (being the Deputy Secretary of Public Safety n all)…

I categorically disagree with your intention to have our department set provisions for peace officers under our jurisdiction that dictate their priorities whilst on patrol. It is their sworn duty to serve and protect (which includes the mentioned employees) so there is absolutely no need to establish a pyramid of priorities that dictates who they should serve and protect at any given time.

Not only that, but we are more than capable of conducting investigations and enforcing our own disciplinary code. We may investigate misconduct that constitutes a crime but it is entirely down to the Department of Justice to enforce the law in the way of legal proceedings - not us.

Thank you but no thank you, mister.