An Amendment to Enhance False Arrest and Citation



Preamble: The people of Firestone find that the need to file a criminal complaint to accomplish the pursue of overcharging, overtiming, undercharging, and undertiming is redundant, unrealistic, and unnecessary. This legislation shall have these connected with false arrest and citation accordingly to enhance leniency when pursuing for false arrest or false citation in a civil litigation.

SECTION ONE: Definitions

SECTION TWO: Nullifications

  • ‘A Bill to Define Overcharging/Undercharging’ shall be declared nullified and void.


  • ‘A Bill to Fix False Arrest’ section 2 currently states:

" Section 2 : False Arrest shall be defined as the act of a law enforcement officer arresting an individual for an offense that isn’t unlawful, the wrong offense, or for arresting an individual for an offense they clearly didn’t commit.
B: Arrest shall be defined as the act of a law enforcement officer holding an individual in custody, with a probable cause, for breaking the law, or for an offense that the suspect has committed.
C: Probable cause shall be defined as knowing that someone has committed, is committing, or will commit a crime based on facts and evidence.
D: A law enforcement officer shall be defined as a member of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office, Firestone State Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Corrections, or any other agency with the power to make arrests.
E: False Arrest, under this act, shall not be misconstrued as a criminal offense. Citizens (or an attorney in their stead) shall have the right to file civil litigation for this offense."

Hereinafter, the above section shall now state:

Section 2 : False Arrest shall be defined as the act of a law enforcement officer arresting an individual for an offense that isn’t unlawful, the wrong offense, for arresting an individual for an offense they clearly didn’t commit, or either undertiming or overtiming the arrestee for the charge(s) being used for the arrest.
B: Arrest shall be defined as the act of a law enforcement officer holding an individual in custody, with a probable cause, for breaking the law, or for an offense that the suspect has committed.
C: Probable cause shall be defined as knowing that someone has committed, is committing, or will commit a crime based on facts and evidence.
D: A law enforcement officer shall be defined as a member of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office, Firestone State Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Corrections, or any other agency with the power to make arrests.
E: False Arrest, under this act, shall not be misconstrued as a criminal offense. Citizens (or an attorney in their stead) shall have the right to file civil litigation for this offense.
F: Arrestee, under this act, shall be defined as an individual being put under an official arrest by anyone with legal authority to execute arrest.
G: Undertiming and overtiming, under this act, shall be defined as the act of failing to achieve the legal amount of seconds permitted by each respective legislation of each charge during an arrest. Whereas, undertiming shall be used for those who go below that permitted limit, overtiming shall be used for those who go above that permitted limit.

  • ‘A Bill to Recognize False Citations’ section 2 currently states:

“A false citation shall be defined as: (The act of a law enforcement officer giving another individual a citation for a traffic violation or recognized crime (that is only applicable for citations) that the individual did not commit). It shall count as a false citation if a law enforcement officer gives a citation to another individual without probable cause (an officer knowing that an individual has committed a crime since that he or she saw it be committed or by having received sufficient evidence of the crime an individual committed. All arrests and citations conducted by law enforcement officers shall require probable cause), meaning that the law enforcement officer needs to see the individual commit the crime in order to know that the crime was committed by the said individual.”

Hereinafter, the above section shall now state:

“A false citation shall be defined as: (The act of a law enforcement officer giving another individual a citation for a traffic violation or recognized crime (that is only applicable for citations) that the individual did not commit or either undercharging or overcharging the individual receiving the citation. Undercharging shall be defined as the act of issuing a monetary value for a citation that is under the legal limit permitted by the charge’s legislation. Overcharging shall be defined as the act of issuing a monetary value for a citation that is over the legal limit permitted by the charge’s legislation.). It shall count as a false citation if a law enforcement officer gives a citation to another individual without probable cause (an officer knowing that an individual has committed a crime since that he or she saw it be committed or by having received sufficient evidence of the crime an individual committed. All arrests and citations conducted by law enforcement officers shall require probable cause), meaning that the law enforcement officer needs to see the individual commit the crime in order to know that the crime was committed by the said individual.”

SECTION FOUR: Effectiveness

  • Upon passage of both chambers of the State of Firestone Congress and the having the signature of the incumbent Governor of the State of Firestone properly bestowed to this respective legislation, this legislative piece shall take immediate effect.




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