An Amendment for Veterans

An Amendment for Veterans


SECTION 1: “A Bill to Replace and Fix the Impersonation Law” is defined as: A Bill to Replace and Fix the Impersonation Law

SECTION 2: Section 2; Sub-Section H shall be added onto “A Bill to Replace and Fix the Impersonation Law” and shall state: “H) “Stolen Valor” shall be defined as; wearing the formal uniform of the Firestone National Guard unless one is currently serving or has previously served in the Firestone National Guard. Those who served previously in the Firestone National Guard shall be permitted to wear formal attire of the Firestone National Guard unless the person has been dishonorably discharged or never exceeded the rank of “Enlist”. Anyone wearing a formal uniform from the Firestone National Guard must provide identification and proof of current or previous service upon request by a Law Enforcement Officer.”

SECTION 3: Section 4; Sub-section D shall be added onto “A Bill to Replace and Fix the Impersonation Law” and shall state: “D) It shall be illegal for a person to impersonate a Veteran as defined in 2H and shall be considered a felony and charged with “Stolen Valor”.

SECTION 4: Section 5; Sub-section D shall be added onto “A Bill to Replace and Fix the Impersonation Law” and shall state: “D) Any person who is found to be guilty of Stolen valor shall have the penalty of a sentence of 450 (four-hundred-fifty) seconds in the State Penitentiary. Should an individual be found guilty of “Stolen Valor” within the court of law, they shall be jailed within the State Corrections Facility for no more than 10 (Ten) hours but no less than 5 (Five) Hours.”

SECTION 5: This legislation shall be enforced by all law enforcement agencies of the State of Firestone.

SECTION 6: This legislation shall go into effect immediately after passage from both chambers of congress.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone

Chief Sponsor(s):

Representative, Speciate


Ex. Major Of Military Police & Ex. DHS Dep. Secretary WorriedChris2001

Speaker Of The House Rinextel

Speaker Pro Tempore Joshernaut

Representative SUPAHSHARP

Representative NotoriousAmerican

Senator Basic_Bobo

Tactical Sergeant PigeonTemps


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