A petition to remove Secretary t1dtony from Department of Public Safety

I could care less about the case, wasn’t going to do anything anyways


this shits making me laugh “Former DoBW Advanced Watercraft Technician” LOL


Not sure leaving the discord is going to solve the problem


too late, i keep getting logged out every time i log in


Tony is one of the most qualified people in Firestone for many FS jobs…

Tbh not many, I mean everything… including mod and dev


ok huh, where’s the evidence for these claims? Sigh we got another fucking donald trump who provides baseless claims with no proof. How original!

edit: Ok I seen the evidence you for some reason only provided when asked for it? Just no I don’t support this at all because I think you’re just doing this for attention. If you have an issue with tony then just dm him? sigh I guess people don’t have common sense anymore about addressing issues that people have with people. Instead, they just complain on the forums. I guess this is how we report people nowadays aye? smh


I agree, he gave a PSB to Jimmy because he was a criminal. He is biased and a horrible person for the position he is in and he should be removed.


Well I am allowed to keep this here. In Nicole’s words, “if you don’t like it, leave”


Alright, hold off on your comments. Many off-topic things going on also random flags.

This forum will re-open when a tier above me delete’s and etc. Please provide statement’s not cause an argument.


I put his evidence as the solution to this forum. (:

To eliminate comments about rather where or what his evidence is and instead to debate his evidence.


I’ve taken the time to suspend users who were attacking each other including the OP who was also returning some statements back.

I’ve also taken the administration decision to keep this thread unlocked no matter how people may find it useless or not.

Please refrain from attacking each other, either give a insightful input or just be quiet

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I honestly haven’t read the OP’s post although from the comments I’ve been deleting I just want to get things straight.

Even if they own the discord and might have fun and all. They are accountable for everything they say or do related to Firestone fun or not. If he is talking to another employee cussing them out Etc in Dms or not he is fully accountable for that action and should be taken consequences for.

Thank you,


Really? Well. You said tony is immature, and he expressed his opinion in post 2.

So that backfired didn’t it

It’s his server. We’re allowed to have fun. I don’t see your problem. Your proof shows nothing


immature or not, he’s realistically the only person in firestone who can handle the job properly without going full retard mode. from what I can tell, you’re still relatively new here so allow me to briefly educate you on the history of DPS.

under previous leaderships, DPS has either been a complete dictatorship or it’s been completely absent, allowing department employees to run free. they were allowed to do whatever, treat whoever, how they wanted, and were unchecked. I rather have tony, who’s a decent leader who isn’t an absolute dictator or isn’t an absent dad. he’s the happy medium we can all tolerate. remove him and you’re just opening yourself up for problems under a new, less competent leader.


what about pent


just BECAUSE every secretary of DPS is gonna be a CUCK SOMETIMES doesn’t mean they should be removed

so quit CRYING fruity

and if its over discord you’re extra fruity


agreed, fuck @t1dtony! impeach him!

nah but fr i cant shit on tony cuz he still hasn’t misused the immense amount of power he’s granted. it could be so much worse. i even shit on dps frequently and he still hasn’t retaliated lmao.

and this “immaturity” and “disrespect” bs is probably what it sounds like, bs. i’m almost never mature on discord, but that’s ok cause it’s roblox. if he’s not conducting official duties he doesn’t need to act professional


it’s his dps discord after all


I agree with canine


okay. im gonna be real here.
we all shit on dps. we don’t like them, probably because the only time we talk to them our careers are getting fucked. but I cant say @t1dtony has actually fucking done anything wrong. i shit on dps and or the man regularly (don’t fire me pls tony), but at the end of the day the man hasn’t done anything wrong.