Hello, My name is buttons1114. I am a Former DoBW Advanced Watercraft Technician and a Former Department of Public Works Employee. As a DPW Employee, we had a lot to do with DPS, especially t1dtony’s immature behavior. This is the main reason why I am making this. To a lot of us, tony is just some annoying secretary no one likes (no offense). But to others, he is a friendly person. There is a lot of controversy over this topic and would be best of the governor is able to deal with this. Lets start out with what he has done.
Pinged everyone to mass tag DPW because he was “falsely banned”
Declined many DPS cases because it has to do with people he likes
Disrespecting high ranking officials in other departments
PSBing people for stupid stuff including “LTAA” and “Criminal”
Being immature while representing DPS.
I hope this doesn’t cause chaos but Secretary t1dtony’s behavior must be at least addressed and dealt with in some way.
Thank you.
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how is this stupid… i’d do the same thing. if u go crim then u shouldnt be public employee, however they can appeal it once they get an expungement and wish 2 become legal