A cop rant


I’ve noticed that not many people outside of LEO community are aware of how things are really from the LEO perspective, so I wanted to make this because I was bored, because I think this does not get enough attention and because I wanted to see what other LEOs think about that. Keep in mind this will be from DHS: CRT side specifically, hence why its subjective. Maybe this post will actually improve something.

A lot of people say, that criminals are on the worse side, that they need more advantages and stuff like that, and my opinion is hell fucking no, they are not. And here are the reasons why.

  1. SRT is retarded. No, its not a “fair advantage to criminals” like some people say, it’s literally a pass to commit crimes, I thought it was fair to give SRT to criminals before, but I don’t anymore. Everybody has an SRT. From a random criminal with spare robux to an FSP trooper. Why is SRT an issue? Because a person owning it can get away with any crime as long as he has basic skills of driving that are enough to not collide with a light post. Cop baiting, vehicular assault, bank robbery, traffic stop, anything else - just speed off lmao, what are they going to do? You can’t catch an SRT, especially if it has a headstart and they know how not to collide with things at least, thats it. It doesn’t take any skill, knowledge, experience, you just buy an SRT and speed off, avoiding punishment for any crime, just drive until they eventually lose you. Now you are going to say “oh, just use helicopter/spikes/barricades!” Ha. Ha. Ha. First of all, even if the helicopter is available (which is rare) we can’t request it on every pursuit, nor can it instantly teleport into the area. Second, spikes are very easy to avoid, just drive around them, duh, as well, its not possible to 100% predict where the car is going, as well have an FSP available and stationed there. Barricades? Again, you can’t predict where the car is going, its easy to avoid, and you dont have so many units available to do it. Before SRT was added into the game, pursuits were won by people who had the best driving skills and experience on how to evade properly, not by the ones who can afford SRTs, which, I think, was far more fair.

  2. Roleplay. Or rather lack of it. A lot of criminals, civillians and some game mods (looking at you, Elite) blame LEOs for not roleplaying and FRPing. Indeed, a lot of LEOs dont roleplay, but everyone ignores the reason why LEOs like me dont roleplay much. If you look at the time, when V2 was paid, you will see amazing roleplay, that is what attracted me to Firestone in the first place, but it’s not there anymore. Firestone is no longer roleplay, it pretends to be one, but it isn’t one. Why LEOs dont roleplay though? Because criminals dont. I am going to show this on my personal example. Before V2 was released, I was roleplaying a lot, I was responding to back then existent MVAs, helping the casualties, directing the traffic, I loved doing this. But after V2 was released, roleplay gradually reduced to almost zero at this point, eventually, I understood, that roleplay has no point anymore, nobody’s just going to listen to your HRS commands like before, they’ll just say “ok retard”, jump out and shoot you and then speed off. If you will try to roleplay, you will just get stabbed in the back, because no one gives a fuck. I am not roleplaying as much anymore for exactly that reason. Now I am prioritizing efficiency over roleplay, and I think in such situation it is the right choice. I could carry on regarding why I think roleplay in Firestone is bad, but if I will, this post will turn into a roleplay rant instead, maybe I’ll do it later but not now.

  3. Laws. Issue that annoys me the most is the “first offense citation, second offense arrest” and stuff like that. What do you want me to fucking do, waste 15 minutes on checking every single prior on a person who has like 500 priors? Another thing, laws dont help us. I would love a law that would allow me to give warning shots for example, and it was suggested for a long time, or a law that would allow me to assume that people that dont comply with orders during a high risk situation are armed, law that would allow FNG and DHS to arrest people or open fire on people who interfere with convoys and escorts and etc. But none of these laws exist.

  4. Criminals. As I said, most criminals dont roleplay either, but thats not the only thing, some of them are incredibly toxic, some of them are just annoying as fuck, but the blame is usually on the LEOs instead for no roleplaying instead. There are literally criminals who barely even talk. They commit crimes for no reason other than get chased, then they evade for almost an hour using fair and unfair ways, and when finally caught by annoyed LEOs they just wordlessly go into prison, then they get out of prison and go back to step one. And the majority of firestone criminals follow this path, either silent, or, which is even worse, annoying and toxic. Are they contributing to roleplay? No. Are they fun? No. Are they annoying? Yes. Obviously not everyone is like that, there are good gangs and criminals, but they are clearly in minority.

  5. Guns. Small point, but I will put it here, since, I think, it doesn’t only affect LEOs as well. Firestone guns are, lets say, not the best. You can pull them out of your ass, kill somebody in a second, and hide it back. No animation, no cooldown, nothing. Another thing, they are killing too fast, like, VERY fast, which makes fun shootouts non-existent and instead allows people to ambush people by just driving closer, jumping out, kill a person before they can respond to it, and then drive away unharmed. FSP and SCSO get guns that are barely suitable for self defence. Shotguns are totally trash and so are glocks. I still consider V2 pre-release guns to be much better than curent guns we have.

There are also other issues like lack of gameplay mechanics/tools incompetence of other LEOs (i want to breach with tactical units even though i am uniformed!!!) and stuff like that. But I think most people are well aware of that and I already think this post is too long.

why did i write this


It seems both sides are throwing the blame at each other


true that

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basically, v2 is ass rn, and v3 is a long ways away, hence why the departments im in do not involve going into the county at all. I’m in a primary, secondary, and voluntary, and havent been in the county for like 3 months lmao


mostly agree, but
I don’t think SRT or any faster than cop cars should just be removed, I think they should be very expensive so we don’t have all criminals with SRTs like you said

also I don’t think it should take longer to kill, in real life you’re pretty much out of the fight after being shot once or twice, but nobody likes it when you shoot someone 5 times in a game and they’re still half health


SRT is actually pretty hard to control. If you do not know what you are doing, you can easily flip. And the SRT makes perfect sense. LEOS have a radio for communication, so use it. If the officer knows the map correctly and good good communication, it isn’t that hard to catch a SRT. A single IO agent pursued me and my friend for 15 minutes, and ended up catching us ALONE. and we are very experienced with SRT’s.

Like you said, you guys have multiple units, spikes, and a helicopter. It can’t be that hard…sounds like a bunch of excuses sir.

both LEOS and criminals don’t RP, we both need to roleplay lol.
Yes, we expect you to waste 15 minutes its your job sir
I can say the same for leos mate, they are so toxic and very ANNOYING, they frp, lie, and abuse their authority. both sides do it.
Same for leos…CRT/SWAT pulls frickin riot shields out their booty that cant take an infinite amount of bullets…overpowered and unrealistic

V2 is so toxic because, citizens who follow the law have NOTHING to do besides going to the iron sights gun range if they have a CFL, even then, CRT/SWAT usually shows up and demands ID. So instead, citizens find a reason to shoot people who commit VA…Only enjoyable thing they can do.

New people who join firestone see nothing to do besides gaining attention from LEOS’s, guns are pricey, 99% of bank robberies are fails, and atms, so all they do is seek attention, like what do you expect

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try driving the CRT F-150 before saying anything about hard to control.

the SRT ain’t hard to control at all.


this is going to be gone. very soon.

i agree and this is something that ive implemented into the new code


I don’t think SRT or any faster than cop cars should just be removed, I think they should be very expensive so we don’t have all criminals with SRTs like you said

If you make them too expensive it wont solve it, people will just build up the money eventually. The only real option to make it fair is to remove it really.

also I don’t think it should take longer to kill, in real life you’re pretty much out of the fight after being shot once or twice, but nobody likes it when you shoot someone 5 times in a game and they’re still half health

Thats true, I rather meant that all FS guns have a fire rate like KRISS Vector.

Luckily for LEOs if the SRT runs someone over while they are fleeing, the LEOs can fill the car up with bullets and get some pocket change out of it


SRT is actually pretty hard to control.

Easier than F-150 and the Explorer. Cops have to deal with poor handling just like criminals, if not more.

If you do not know what you are doing, you can easily flip.

No you can’t, its FRP and not fair, even I dont do that.

LEOS have a radio for communication, so use it

Use it for what? Saying “lost eyes last seen heading towards prom”? Or setting up barricades and intercepting? If its the first one, we’re already doing it. If it’s the second one, I already explained why they are not possible.

If the officer knows the map correctly and good good communication, it isn’t that hard to catch a SRT.

Neither of these matter. Again, you can’t predict where SRT is going even if you know the map, and regarding communication I already said.

A single IO agent pursued me and my friend for 15 minutes, and ended up catching us ALONE.

Survivorship bias. If you got caught so fast in an SRT by 1 person it rather means that you are crappy at driving.

Like you said, you guys have multiple units, spikes, and a helicopter. It can’t be that hard…sounds like a bunch of excuses sir.

I already said why none of these are useful as well, infact I said the opposite, I said that we CANT use them.

Yes, we expect you to waste 15 minutes its your job sir

Cool, I am not.

I can say the same for leos mate, they are so toxic and very ANNOYING, they frp, lie, and abuse their authority. both sides do it.

Except LEOs can be punished for it and criminals can’t.

Same for leos…CRT/SWAT pulls frickin riot shields out their booty that cant take an infinite amount of bullets…overpowered and unrealistic

Who said I am rooting for it to be only on one side? I am supporting the pulling out of the ass tactic for both sides.

V2 is so toxic because, citizens who follow the law have NOTHING to do besides going to the iron sights gun range if they have a CFL

Its not about regular citizens, its about criminals.

CRT/SWAT usually shows up and demands ID

Yes CRT and SWAT are so bad, asking for ID to see if you are CFCT or not.

New people who join firestone see nothing to do besides gaining attention from LEOS’s, guns are pricey, 99% of bank robberies are fails, and atms, so all they do is seek attention, like what do you expect

Thats exactly what I expect, and thats exactly why its bad, duh.

You clearly did not read what I said, or you are just too ignorant or think that I am just making excuses or lying, when I have no intention of doing either of those.

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thats true as hell, although we still get MVAs they’re just annoying at this point because somehow citizens find all kinds of ways to annoy you. this goes from climbing a fire truck to taunting you in an SRT.


I’ve driven the citizen F150 before. and if the CRT truck is the same, it is not as hard to drive as an SRT…Try going 110 SPS in a pursuit where you have to do a bunch of turns, chances are, the car is gonna flip.

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So you want to say LEOs driving 100 SPS in the same pursuit while being BEHIND feel more comfortable? Oh yeah I just go 50 SPS in all pursuits, sorry for being so stupid, I never experienced a pursuit on high speeds.

Also, F150 is very prone to spinning out and losing control. SRT does not have that.

No, citizens play a part too. All they do is tempt people to run them over so they can shoot them out of pure bordem, like doing stupid crap like walking in front of a path that someone is reckless driving in, or holding signs saying rubish like ‘I dare you to run me over’ (yes I have screenshot proof of this lol)

It is not a buddy. I’ve driven the citizen F150. Going 110 SPS while turning is way harder. Have you ever driven an SRT at 110 SPS? Cop max speed is 100, trust me, 110 is a big difference. The SRT flips SUPER easy.

You missed my point, I meant the SRT would FLIP over easily if you do not know how to control it at high speeds, I never flip upwards.

They are possible. Again, it’s all about teamwork. I’ve seen it done very good so I know it’s not that hard mate.

They do matter. Again, Many officers have done it. If you know the map properly, you can pretty much predict where the driver is going next. I have a 1-hour recording of IO predicting where I am going before I even get there. Many officers have done it.

I am very good at driving thank you very much. He just actually KNEW what he was doing. When he saw me pass DOT, make a right, go towards FD, instead of following me like an idiot, He drove on the hills, went around FD, and by the time I made it to FD he rammed me, You can predict where people are going pretty easy. Again, you guys have a LOT of leos to help you, if you can’t catch 1 srt, you leo’s are crappy lol

They are useful. Just use them right…

Then why be an officer if you are to lazy to do your job?

Yes they are. leave people ALONE. Firestone is very unrealistic, people can’t even go to a damn shooting range without SWAT rolling up. There is nothing suspicious or illegal about going to a gun range.

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I gotten to the point of saying screw 15 minute pursuits on SRTs. If you take off from me I’ll just say screw you and go to CD. When I see you returning there (like all criminals do) I’ll either spike you if you’re driving by or baton you at your car if you’re parked.

The only time I’ll chase and hunt you down is if you’re armed and have killed someone.

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Then dont run them over??? Also that is not related to toxicity, that is boredom.

I like how you assume that you are right by default and that our cars are clearly easier to handle and that we dont experience the same handling problems on high speeds just like you do. (https://gyazo.com/54687189f7b9b813188a3038d86ea635 https://gyazo.com/7d3da574110480b2fd608a526f6438a4) Except I know how to handle them at least, not sure about you however, looks like you dont.

I am clearly a liar, everything I say is wrong despite my 2 years of experience, everything is so easy, duh.

Its unrealistic because its roblox and because its firestone.

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LEO cars aren’t nearly the same as civ cars. Civilian Tahoe? Handles pretty good. DoC Tahoe? Absolutely horrific handling.
You can’t judge how LEO cars handle based on a civ cars.


That is toxicity, trying to get people to run you over just to shoot them and cause a scene? It makes LEOS respond to the shots thinking it’s an emergency when really, it’s boring citizen attention-seeking. Waste of time and resources. Makes v2 look like a battleground.

I did not assume, I replied to Fairful with ‘and if the crt truck is the same as civ’, I figured you read that response and I did not need to repeat it.

Never called you a liar, did I? You are simply ignorant and making up excuses when, you guys have all of the recourses to catch a SRT fairly easy, I am also talking from experience. I been around since V2 alpha, and I’ve been in over 300 pursuits if not, more. I know how it works too.

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I think you should become a LEO, and actually witness how it works. It’s easy to say something than to actually do it.