A Bill to Appropriately define Unlicensed Operation of a Business as Illegal

A Bill to Appropriately define Unlicensed Operation of a Business as Illegal

Preamble: The State currently does not have a clear and precise definition of what operating without a Business License entails, as such this Bill seeks to rectify this lack of coherent definition.


SECTION 1A: The Firestone Criminal Code shall be defined as the Firestone Criminal Code

SECTION 1B: The Department of Commerce shall be defined as Department of Commerce

SECTION 2A: Chapter 1, Section 10 shall be established in the Firestone Criminal Code and be named “§10 - Unlicensed Operation of a Business”

SECTION 2B: Chapter 1, Section 10 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state the following:

"(a) Unlicensed Operation of a Business shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

(a1) The act of Unlicensed Operation of a Business shall be the act of willfully and knowingly operating any business, or section thereof, within the State of Firestone that has failed to attain a Business Permit from the Department of Commerce."

SECTION 2C: The act Unlicensed Operation of a Business shall be classed as a Class A Misdemeanor and shall result in 300-500 seconds in the State Penitentiary, it shall also have a Citation value of $300-$500.

SECTION 3: The Bill to Make Operating without a License Illegal shall be nullified.

SECTION 4A: The Bill to Re-establish the Department of Commerce shall be defined as the Bill to Re-establish the Department of Commerce

SECTION 4B: Section 3A of the Bill to Re-establish the Department of Commerce shall be declared null and void.

SECTION 4D: Section 3B of the Bill to Re-establish the Department of Commerce shall be declared null and void.

SECTION 5: Should any part of this Act be declared unconstitutional or otherwise struck down, the rest shall remain in effect unless all is struck down or declared unconstitutional.

SECTION 6: This act shall go into effect immediately upon completion of the required constitutional process.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator Toastee_RBLX

President Pro Tempore etry_playtime
Department of Commerce Secretary Ryan123Superstar
Senator jt7122
Representative mrgoldencarrot
Representative ADMIRAL_RICKY


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