XanderModel For Firestone Senate

Who Are You?
Hello, there! My name is XanderModel and I’m a proud citizen of this State. A lot of you formally know me as HeroButton, but I decided to join the Model family and change my name to XanderModel. I wish to serve you all as a Senator of the State of Firestone to get your voice heard among the hundreds around us. Along with having fun and making new friends. This community is very fun and interactive, and I just love the overall vibe it sends to newcomers like all of us once were. I was accepted in the State with open arms, and I will never forget the way this community has treated me as a whole.

What will you do a representing me as a Senator?

Well, first. I do plan on getting our community socially and politically active within our State. This means, more active, and better political party. EVERY citizen should have a chance to join one and be a part of a group. Political Parties are a great way to meet new people, and dream big. Because not only do you have people who share the same view as you, you also have their support. I’m a chairman of the unofficial party of Firestone (Reformative Party) that I will make active for all citizens to join! As well as MANY others. My DMs are open 24/7, so please do not hesitate to contact me about anything your heart desires!

NEXT, I honestly think our jail time needs to be lowered immensely. I think that because this isn’t real life and we shouldn’t be getting 14 hour jail sentences for like murder. This is not real life, and I think we should lower that to an hour. This is ROBLOX, and our criminals deserve better than this. They’re the reason the main game (Staple ton County, Firestone.) has action. Without them, it would be boring and not enjoyable. Plus, it could make us loose players because who wants to be in a jail cell for like 14 hours? Nobody, not even our most dangerous criminals. Now there has been a lot of controversy of this topic, and I want to hear all of them! Please DM me at: Xander#0118 | (Or just type XanderModel in the Firestone discord). Thank you!

I stand on behalf of this community, I think we need to re-establish old laws and bring them back to life. Many people may have forgot what something means, or what a law was. So we need to work together to make that happen.

I’m also planning to make a protesting law. Just defining the difference between a peaceful protest and a non-peaceful protest for the safety of others.
I will be re-defining Failure to Role-play, because it was created in 2017, and I’m sure most of you guys don’t like it when people FRP.

Why should I choose you over everyone else running?

I’m XanderModel of course!! I’m kidding. You should choose me to represent you guys because I’m mature, determined, and faithful. I can work really well with people as a group, and listen to other people’s ideas. I’m very organized, and have semi-experienced. (I was a part of the County Council). I’m reliable, and trustworthy to just about everyone. I’m kind, and smart, and willing to make our State a better place.

My experiences(In This State)
All my experience at the moment comes from the Stapleton County Council as a Councilman under Former CE, vmadi. Other than that, I hope to gain more experience by helping you all and improve the State of Firestone and Congress as best as I can!

First, I would like to thank you all for reading this and just coming here to read this. I’m sorry if I made it really long, I will make it up to you. I hope you vote for me to represent you as a Firestone Senator, if you do please comment below this message “Support!” or something like that showing you support me. I’m thankful for all of you, and what this community has given me, a new chance. Cheers to the State of Firestone!

"Our Vision is bright, together."
XanderModel, 2019.

XanderModel, proud citizen of the State of Firestone.


100% Support from me.

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Good luck.

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Support. Win this, man.

Representative, NotoriousAmerican

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I support why not.

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Very detailed and I already can see that you have put alot effort into this. The most don’t do this much effort. This is one of the best documents I have ever seen. I support this man

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Speaker of the House Rinextel

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Correctional Senatator Basic_Bobo

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Support! Good luck my man!

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County Councilman HxppyTeddyy

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LimitedDesigner has supported me!!

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JerseyOperator also supports me for the elections!

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support 100%

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#1 retard ellont

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