XanderModel For Firestone Senate

Ah yes, waste all the precious time we use for trials and lower our sentence time to an hour. At this point, it will just make the sentencing power of the courts obsolete. I still don’t get why the current system of just being off for a while (unlike the old one where you had to be in game) is that bad.

you do realize env removed the out of game feathee due to it breaking the whole game right

Did he now? If he did, we weren’t aware.


I will be re-defining Failure to Role-play, because it was created in 2017, and I’m sure most of you guys don’t like it when people FRP.

How exactly are you going to re-define that? That’s not a congressional issue, that’s a game moderation issue. It’s up to the game moderators and the game moderators only. You’re right, we don’t like it when people FRP, but Congress cannot handle stuff like “FRP.” It’s up to the moderators to fix this. If you have an issue, contact them, but don’t create any stupid bills in the chamber regarding this.

I thought it was the reset timer he removed

hmmmmm then

yeah he had told us

I guess. We can all decide the time limit, it’s just that I think something like 72 hours is way to long…

I mean, there is a bill already about FRP. So I mean, it’s already there

support, this guy is a beautiful bastard

roboxzaxar, House Of Representatives


Julian supports me!!

As well as Hellcat_Law!!




Deputy poolshark1118



100% Support - ScripedRBLX


Fmr Senator, TalithaJones_MD

Perhaps support