I think we can all agree none of this would’ve happened in a floatmanjason administration!!
probably because it was an actual leadership issue in a department
i give you credit though you do well-seeking attention in the state
I mean this is a leadership issue in an actual state
after reading this extended thread, i have some opinions to say the least
for those of you who don’t know. c.i.ii.iii basically says “the soth shall be elected by the house of representatives and the vote shall be held by the governor” (or something like that)
simply put, an election was held. Obviously there are arguments that could be made in regards to the constitutionality of what occured, however to my understanding the timeline is a little bit jumbled and im not entirely sure what actually happened. (if someone has ss’s, please send then)
i agree with the op, that the voting times were deffinitely skewed and not reflective of a normal person’s schedule.
So now we go into what the house could do about this injustice:
the most obvious option is to remove the sitting speaker, and redo the elections with preferably better timing. (no offence to you lee, you’re a great po however this is just for the purposes of democracy). im sure that the representatives, and people alike, agree that this was kinda bullshit
my thoughts:
aes hasn’t necessarily been the best leader in firestone, and he continues to fuck up things that prior administrations would have (in my opinion) performmed better on. Personally? I’d recommend impeaching the governor. (this doesn’t mean removal in itself!!!)
tldr: fuck aes, remove the sitting soth to redo elections
Agreed, Aesthetically legally has done nothing wrong, it’s just the decisions made are reflective of like the worse possible things
omg i love those films
it’s been scandals 90% of the time since float’s false flag lol (which in fairness was actually good for firestone, albeit morally questionable to some people)
all of the people who’ve risen in congress since i left go outside less than i did and that really says something
we can’t even get more then 1 session a term, I strongly doubt that
Nothing he did here was illegal.
Motions do only apply to sessions, this wasn’t a nomination for something. This was an election. And nothing regulates the time elections can be open for voting.
Imagine we had a debate period for YOUR elections as a rep, and the citizens tried to run it as a session? How stupid would that be.
Like it or not, nothing done here was illegal. People’s feelings hurt at best, immoral at worst.
Edit: he also has the power to completely disregard, bend, create and remove rules at his will per election law.
bookworm ass mf writing all that shit
free young thug free gunna
Now, how does this effect the local Trout Population?
And i was found not guilty for framing someone with a usb but that doesn’t mean it’s an a-ok thing to do
Only reason they are uspet is because they didnt want Lee to win…
not like they did anything anyways!
hello automationere! how are your attempts for complete control of the state going?
did you mean automationeer, a completely seperate individual of similar name?
Quite clearly not the same person. no one liked automationeer, but everyone appreciates what automationere has done for firestone.
I retract my statement as I have clearly confused a very valuable member of the State of Le Firestonia with a piece of turd