possibly. I’ll stop getting USBs
This is absolutely disgraceful. We all are resetting our services (DOBW INCLUDED) because of the people that were at fault for this.
weird how we went from using electricity to Gas Powered generators… Just saying
Yeah they can have fun doing that… monopolies will always exist in firestone as long as no one else sets up an actual decently functioning business. Like real life, 90% of businesses fail within their first year so starting up isn’t easy.
There’s nothing saying someone can’t create a gas company but no one has tried.
I know congress love to do it anyways but good luck limiting commerce when half the people do t even know the full extent of operations
Kind of off topic, but on the subject of monopolies. How I think that monopolies should go should follow something along the lines of real life.
A business is split in half like the AT&T split back in the olden day.
(Before I continue note that idk how these work)
Basically, congress should vote on the splitting of a VITAL service like gas and electricity OR if the company is charging absurd amount of FSD for services. This will be up to DOCM to enforce however they may want to accomplish such an event.
This would both emphasize the realism of FS whilst making sure that another event, like we’ve seen, does not occur again.
(This really deserves its own forum post, if the conversation grows I may start one)
You can’t force businesses to split up into separate ones… it’s not practical, the author(s) are not going to be popular within the community - as a matter of fact congress won’t be if they pass it - and it will cause the ever dying private sector to be even more dead.
On the topic of dying private sector, I’ve been keeping track of how many inspections we get per month and I release the statistics compared to the previous month. It’s constantly declining but this month had more because it’s the start of the year.
anyone wanna play monopoly
Last game of monopoly I played took 7 1/2 hours so no thanks
I understand your argument but there is necessity that the power and gas infrastructure is controlled by 2 opposing businesses. Before we know it, DPW will be controlling the power grid for weeks at a time because businesses continue to repeatedly fail inspection.
There is no good solution to this problem, however hopefully a resolution will be found in due time.
let’s play, but firestone edition
Please kill commerce. Go ahead. Try it.
By no means is my intention to kill commerce, rather create a more realistic contingency for when such an event happens to occur.
aight I got redwood boulevard and placed a cd on it
sadly causing a mass power outage is not illegal but it depends
I’ve already responded to shit about commerce and how they’re not the issue in this scenario, see here
rolls dice and gets an 8
i landed on prom boulevard and bought it for 40k FSD
@TheGreenLego_Brick YOUR TURN
(the situation was made by me)
the problem isn’t monopolies
the problem is monopolies managed by dumbasses
Thanks auto
Thats the thing tho. If we leave the chance FOR a monopoly to be run by a dumbass, we put ourselves right back into this situation. The possibility of such an occurrence should not be possible.