Love the idea, something unique. Would’ve cool if founders removed lights for a day.
The Firestone Department of Aviation has more power then every dept combined, running off the experimental Security Services, LLC Experimental Sciences Division’s Mark 12.66.7 Black Hole Energy Generator.
Checkmate athiests
I cant watch the cuxle show
Or fbc
docs electric chair isnt working, we need power back now!! criminals are running free!!!
The Stapleton County Fire Department has been short staffed in this situation. Last night, while I was on for 45 minutes, we responded to 8 Scenes.
their activity — pushed to the limit
We had all the rigs staffed and still needed more
Fix it
God if only…
We need state nuclear power!
i hope it gets fixed soon! (would be cool if founders disabled streetlights and normal lights in v2 and made it night, would make the community even more involved!)
Barely getting by
Maybe it’s time for green cars and green energy?
no. this government isn’t run by dumb liberals.
Maybe it is
Hi there ex rep con (who happens to be a dumb liberal) and here are my comments:
1: What the government could’ve done
Obviously this is a rare situation where devs actually care about what we do. The government could have done much more for state-supplied gas and electricity contingencies in case something like this actually happened.
2: What the government should do
So obviously once again we are in the here and in the now so right now you hoes need to work on getting DPW to establish power back to the county (which I think yer doing cant remember). Once the state has established such a temporary solution until the private sector can retake those reigns, congress should begin drafting changes to further ensure the electricity and fuel security of the state (once again, probably through dpw).
3: Monopolies in Firestone
So yes SPG had a monopoly on the electricity industry in the state. Obviously this led to our downfall once SPG lost their monopoly (because it ate a fat load of shit). I’d suggest congress establish limitations and contingencies (as i’ve said like 6 times) on these monopolies.
4: Responses to the thread
Already had a monopoly and only now you care.
I endorse this message
Im fine with foxy running it, but faach? Not so much. As i stated previously, monopolies always lead to this bullshit. If we give that man 2 of those (god no please) shits gonna go downhill realllly quick.
I like this idea as long as its only for emergencies, upkeep costs are a bitch.
We could’ve dealt with this better. Do better after this is done.
Disclosure: i wrote this on my phone. I might he stupid. Correct me if im wrong
Ly babes
Providing electricity from my rv for people for only 1 fsd
1 fsd for phones, laptops and portable electronic devices
2 fsd for lights
10 fsd for house appliances
100 fsd for electric vehicle charging pay to avia lol
good thing?