Warrant on P_aws - Valid or not?

For many people who have been in Firestone for some time we know P_aws. A notorious criminal dating back to V1. Well the courts finally decided to do something about him in an “attempt” to end his crimes. Well if you look at the warrant which can be found below it dosent show any actual proof of the supposed x1 Evasion charge. So is this actually a valid warrant or just some witch hunt started by a Firestone State Patrol Major?

I bring up the FSP Major for a reason. On 3/16/19 at 8:23 PM EST FSP Major F4 Davidtiy said the following in the FSP discord -

" Warrant For P_aws If you have any recordings of P_aws committing crimes please Dm me them. I am trying to get a warrant or take him to court, thanks.
@Firestone State Patrol Employee @Department Affiliate @Emergency Services Affiliate"

Now this leads to thinking that he started a witch hunt on P_aws that lead to the warrant which has no proof to back it up.

So I ask - Is this a valid warrant or a witch hunt?

F4 Davidity’s Comment - http://prntscr.com/mzak86
P_aws Warrant - https://trello.com/c/yKBNkX1z/2103-paws

Warrant created by - DCJ MarshallJAddison


Although I think the warrant is plain out dumb, I do think the so called “witch hunt” you say is completely valid.


Oh, Marshall

You’re always in the middle of a controversial topic


Not. There is clearly a lack of evidence. The video is 1 second long, and viewing at .25 speed, nothing happened. The pictures just show them on a traffic stop sitting there while the knight is out of the car saying nonsense. If you find this valid somehow, then you must be retarded. THERE IS A LACK OF EVIDENCE.


He had grounds to call Paws out and ask for evidence, he’s killed LEOs in game…

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But the thing is he has no proof. You can prosecute off of no proof


That’s not the situation at hand. It’s the current charge. Go to the Trello page first next time before you reply.

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Clearly it was part of the topic at hand.

Or was I the only one who read this part? @Bx_Buggs

However, I made no comment on the warrant as the courts deal with that, and from the looks, it is bizarre as the video shows nothing.

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I said the part of the witch hunt referring to how he tried more or less anything to try and create the warrant without actually having anything to back it up

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all in all david got pissed because i beat him. now he is scrounging for every little thing that can make my life difficult. he’s just salty.

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hey want me to help you get the warrant expunged?

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I dont know if he wants it expunged, its more or less to point out how stupid this is and to point out how there is no evidence to even back it up

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A criminal defending a criminal, how surprising. I hold no opinion on the warrant, but I do expect law enforcement to enforce it until otherwise told.

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the warrant is dumb and that’s the truth

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A citizen is still a citizen regardless of their profession. Just because they commit crime doesn’t mean they do not hold as strong of an opinion as you or I lol.


and on another note, evasion is a secondary charge if im not mistaken… why is it the only charge on the warrant.


I did upload the wrong video which will be corrected in the current warrant.


@DeniedSettings here you go, one corrected video https://youtu.be/Hb7yGmhqNFo

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a warrant just for one charge of evasion is DUMB


You’re mistaken

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