Warning System


FSP Colonel Alpha_Lost here, today I was doing a Supervisor Request and the Citizen said “Why don’t you guy’s have a warning system?” So I am making this to help FSP / SCSO have a warning system. This would be added to Citation tool OR the Data Base (the one to look up names). It would be a thing where when you give them a warning, it would show up on records saying 'Warned for (reason)". Since some Laws state a warning must be given, and theres no way to tell, this would be perfect.

If you support please put #Support.

Thank you,
FSP Colonel Alpha_Lost


I like this idea, but dont support it…

As then I would have more citations and shit, which I dont want :frowning:




I feel like it’d be cool, but can we be honest here? I don’t think anybody cares about citations because they lose money, I think they care because it is stored on their record. If warnings were stored on their record and made them look bad, the whole purpose of “letting them off with a warning” would be defeated.


I’d be cool if there was just a little thing at the bottom saying they have a warning for a traffic violation that you can toggle on and off as an leo

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Instead of saying #support how about you click that :heart: on the post? :slight_smile:



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