hashtag girl boss! totally not banned from the discord server because she’s an alternate account
why dont you get some hashtag friends
why don’t you get a hashtag life
I’m sorry but this is pathetic
Yea that’s what I thought but I believe most of his support has been retracted, putting him under the required amount and therefor intelligible for the position
I still have fourteen supports, which still puts me above the requirement.
Continuing the discussion from Veryunconstitutional for Senate:
!st one, WTF Is that
3rd, I mean ok yeah id still shoot people regardless if there is a law about it
4. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH expungement r dead
5. idk what that is
6. idk either
7. pay will never be raised so irrelevant!
8. tf is a resolution
9. freedom of speech, I would do it regardless
10. FNG cool scfd snitches
In Conclusion, I believe Verunconsitutional is an amazing candidate and I believe he should be elected, on the other hand u should never hold a spot in office cause u r very stupid and dumb.
so kind of her to scratch that guys back with her gun, what a good samaritan
Damn bro
I, Senator DanielFoote, hereby withdraw my support!
The situation has been resolved and I formally apologise to Kaput. He has decided to resupport.
Commerce is doing all they can. Legit you’re only creating enemies with that talk.
Also, what’s up with blackmailing @Automationeer ??? That’s like not smart man. I’m not even one of Auto’s best’s friends but even I can respect what they’ve done for Firestone. Plus, the fact that you’re using their arrest as “blackmail” just shows how disconnected you are from the community. Anyone who has been part of Firestone within the past year has already heard the story and has moved on past it.
@Stamose I honestly believe that this candidate is in violation of Firestone election law as well as election sponsor guidelines. Trello
(A real shame tbh, I wanted to support you for the memes but this is just unmemable. You legit are making me want to run for Senate just to prevent this behavior from entering office.)
Currently 11 supporters btw if anyone needed counting.
um I retract my support for a multitude of obvious reasons, but also one that may not be as obvious…!
u said that u were new, blah blah, u wanted a chance, blah blah, but the thing is u did a terrible job of introducing urself to this community and actually pleading your case. instead of actually trying to be a part of a community that u want to become a govt official for, u got defensive with some of its most influential members. and like, i was on the same boat as u when i ran for senator last year, except i at least had SOME type of footing in dobw and wasn’t blackmailing citizens.
i would say good luck next time for ur campaign, but this forums post is defo going to be brought up for the next year or two…!
You can’t do that for him
If he did, he needs to repost
You forgot the other two people who supported in game. Haha
He deleted his statement saying he is unsupporting and undeleted his statement saying he supported