Really simple request here: add a staffroom to the inside of SCMC. It’s a large building with a lot of unused space, and yet it somehow lacks a basic room for us to hide in when the shooters come about. You could also move our spawn there instead of having us spawn in the middle of the lobby.
Quick mention of the other two DOH related suggestions:
So I’ve asked for some updates a few months ago but I’d say its maybe time for a few simple updates. These things shouldn’t take very long and would assist FDOH with realism and to do our jobs in general. (yes i know this thing is set to suggestions, its a bug report and suggestion)
Fix the tahoe rear flood lights - Self explanatory, check the gif. Broken flood lights
BLS ambulance tools are set to SCFD team Broken tools
Add cones & flares for our staff to use on calls.
So I think its about time we looked at getting some new medical tools into Stapleton County for SCFD and FDOH to work with. These tools would be beneficial to staff working in the prehospital field.
Add tool GUIs onto the DOH flycar as well as SCFD’s EMS87, S55 and CMD90.
In said GUI there should be a jump bag, lifepak traffic cones, road flares, and the tools listed in part 2
Add the following tool for FDOH and SCFD team to use on the cars, ambulances, and fire trucks: Triage tarps (A singl…
it could honestly replace that room behind dr Phil’s probably
shoot up hospital drugs
We’d never do that with HOSPITAL drugs…