Thoughts on giving uniformed leos rifles

man cossie already got his ak-47 ready to whip out


I still don’t see the need for giving LEOs more heavy weapons, if you want heavier weapons join SWAT or CRT, a LEO doesn’t need an M4A1 or some shit like that.


law enforcement officers are the best


rifles would help in a lot of ways.


in ways that wouldn’t benefit both sides, only one side
aka making people want to leave, aka both sides no playing

aka bad


you :clap: uniformed :clap: leos :clap: dont :clap: need :clap: rifles :clap:

you already have enough to deal with crims with firearms, as far as im concerned ive seen far too many crims with aks die to g23s, you’re fine. plus, if the crime rate gets high…wow you have tactical teams that exist. you have a pager that exists?!? mind blown. crt, swat and fng are enough, they can deal with it fine, you seriously do not need rifles thank you for reading my ted talk <3


you also have the ENTIRE national guard



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no never no. when i was in fsp i couldnt even shoot a glock correctly and i had to go through proper training in dhs to fix that and here we are


Its called superior firepower which a handgun cannot deliver when in a gunfight with a higher capacity weapon. If every real life police department including small town has issued rifles, then a county which has more shootings than even an actual warzone should have its officers carrying rifles.


I’m for this IF

  • there is intensive training cuz let’s be real, most LEO’s can be kinda iffy with guns :confused:

  • have limited amount of spots cuz I don’t want ever hecking deputy and trooper have free access to guns with real power and high costs if you screw up

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This. Exactly this.

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mayflower provides all its LEO’s with long arms (PPD and LPD can aswell but 3+ of their dept employee’s must be online to stop)

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okay i see this all the time and its getting on my nerves bruh, the FNG walked into the cross fire of the CO i was there!!

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theres always like 3-5 MF LEOs on at once vses the entire server, compared to FS where about half are LEOs that play

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again, i still stand by my point of, if you want big guns, you can join SWAT, DHS, SERT and FNG, in my opinion if you arent capable of getting into those departments, then you shouldnt have a long rifle.

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it was ass

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no support


if u been in a dept long enough with the G23, you get good at using the shitty gun and it improves your aim for other TPS GUNS

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What is this? Is this really regular cops carrying those long rifles?