This Past Night

I mean once you guys get in trouble you do research on the law and find it is not applicable.

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Thatā€™s because Skye and I donā€™t do anything illegal. Itā€™s that simple.

So once you guys get in trouble, you in contempt, skye being arrested at the voting center, you look up the laws and coincidentally find out that it canā€™t stick.

It has nothing to do with it coincidental sticking. The arresting officer in Skyeā€™s case and the presiding officer in my case both issued false charges. Itā€™s the equivalent of false arrest. There is no coincidence, but rather competence. Skye and I donā€™t break the law, so when we are illegally charged, we do our research in order to pursue appropriate litigation.

Seriously jeff, when you two get into trouble you look up the laws and make sure it doesnā€™t affect you

Or, and just let this sit in for a minuteā€¦

We know the law and donā€™t break it.

How about all three of you shut the fuck up and do your jobs before Congress or the Governor intervenes.


Was that an insinuation that if we keep arguing, you are going to suspend our accounts?

Considering I physically canā€™t do that, no! :grinning:

Yay lets keep going to make danny mad @t1dtony

for legal reasons thats a joke

When I said ā€œall three of youā€ I was referring to you, Chris, and Skye.

oh thats a shame

i guess tony doesnt have a real government job so that would make sense

imagine your own DAG voting against you


Uprising was my DAG for ~8 months, and he is definitely fair. One of his better qualities.

i love how many scandals weā€™ve had under this admin


Myself, Congress, and the people are getting really fed up with the never ending three way drama here. If changes arenā€™t made voluntarily by these individuals, it will be instituted by governmental force. This is a final warning

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itā€™s a shame the governor doesnt care enough to do anything

Only one of these three individuals is failing to execute the duties of their office. Iā€™d love to be impeached for arguing, frankly. Iā€™d put it on my resume.

Your problem is you donā€™t understand how to remain silent even when speaking interferes with your duties. Getting into it with the DOJ employee is one thing, I probably would have done the same. But, for god knows how man times previous, getting into another public piss fit with Chris is an issue.

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Thatā€™s why I have chosen to recuse from cases which involve Chris directly.

I built the modern DoJ, and itā€™s horrendous to watch it fail with nobody doing anything.