This is skelet_n


If you don’t know who I am, I’m the Councilwoman from Arborfield. I have served on the City Council since February 11th with skelet_n, and this is who he is.

On May 13th, skelet_n commented about my profile picture (two girls kissing), stating that he deemed it “highly inappropriate,” to which I asked how it was inappropriate. He stated, “there is two women swapping spit - why must it be so inappropriate - there is children in this server.”
Recording of the conversation can be found here: * Screen capture - 144106856fac21ef918f95b0403f124a - Gyazo

Yesterday, May 22nd, I asked the City Council when we’d all be available so we could attend one last Council Session to clear the docket before our term ends in one week (or so), to which skelet_n responded, “not until you change that evil pfp”

I respect and understand that everyone has different beliefs; however, everyone in this community shouldn’t be treated like I was, nor should a profile picture hinder City Operations.

skelet_n is currently serving as a County Councilman and a member of the House of Representatives, none of which he should be serving on if a profile picture hinders his duties as a Councilman and/or Representative.


im currently bisexual and im also a born again christian, which leads me to the point that jesus and god, in my opinion, would most likely not approve of his hate towards u. im sorry you had to deal with that and even the bible says you shouldnt hate ur neighbor, no matter what their beliefs are.

and i would like to announce that skelet_n is no longer my running mate for arborfield and will be suspended from my company (firelink corporation) until a further disciplinary action is decided by our board members.



oh my GOODNESS i’ve been cancelled!




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down with skelet_n!


It’s not about personal opinion. It’s about the fact that children in our community should not be exposed to things such as your profile picture. This is a Roblox group. That’s all i’s gonna say about that.


If children are on the internet, they are bound to see anything like my profile regardless.

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Doesn’t hurt to try to minimize it.

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What does my profile picture have to do with you failing to attend a session?

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Wait are you guys really getting pressed over a profile picture…?


I understand where he comes from, professionally and respecting minors and others. Technically that profile picture would be classified as “Not Safe For Work,” in which you wouldn’t be seen in a work environment, and some parents wouldn’t want their kids to see that. Even if they are bound to get exposed to it at one point, its also an excellent precaution to minimize that effect

At the same time, this could have been handled better if you both were not hard-headed about it and talked it out more civilly.

Discord has this fantastic new feature of allowing a profile picture for a specific server if you want to avoid this issue and come to a compromise (Requires nitro).


go ahead and retire buddy

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Sam lets be real… He’s doing it to be funny not out of his way protecting people. You can easily see right through this as a whole scheme for attention.


I understand wanting to minimize it, however in any conversation that I’ve had regarding my profile picture with him has just been him stating “it’s inappropriate” or something along those lines. So I’m quite surprised at him wanting to minimize it all of a sudden.

This is more about a profile picture hindered his duties as a Councilman.

Also he stated in a conversation earlier today when Con posted a gif of girls kissing “they will burn in hell”.

10/10 coloring skills


Shall we usher this type of behavior also


Was also given this image by an individual that would like to remain anonymous.


@skelet_n you need to retire right now


I second and want to echo what Luffwaffle09 said, @skelet_n needs to resign immediately as he definitely doesn’t support individuals from the community.

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To be honest with you,

I am very disconnected from the community. I only check the forums and Discord occasionally, but I wouldn’t say I like to get involved in “politics” or even debate stuff. I try to remain as unbiased as I can.

And I understand coming from both sides honestly about the whole situation.

Thank you for pointing that out for me because, in all honesty, I have missed it. That part is pretty wrong of him to do, and I particularly understand, but at the same time, confussled has also been targeting him and did that to enrage him intentionally. that isn’t a sensible thing to do if you are trying to seem in the right here.
Including that also confussled proceeded to harass him in the DMs, which was entirely uncalled for.

That is a good point about the situation I missed. and you are indeed correct in that part that this should not hinder his actual position as it does not have a direct effect to it.


I already got yelled at for that one