The Treatment of Attorney General Skye_Jones - absolute joke

she was also just dismissed.

thats an F

ash1835 has no comment

Read the Constitution sir. I know you aren’t known for being the brightest, but the law plainly states that the oath does not have to be exact. It was not invalid whatsoever.

Additionally, a bailiff has no influence in the outcome of the case. As a bailiff, I would hope you know this.

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after i won that previous case on the basis of the oath being invalid, i personally amended the constitution to allow for it to be so you dont have to say the oath exactly as written in the law. all of his oaths were legally binding and valid.

She probably thought he was not impersonating because of the old impersonation law.

I find it was very unnecessary to arrest her


Red Army Choir was kinda lit too :eyes: Tetris is a bop

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It sort of depends on what you mean by “quicker.”

If it was quicker in terms of the hearing, that was no quicker.

If it was quicker in terms of taking the case, then yes, I agree.


Remember this is a lego game :joy:

Remember this Lego game is a simulation of a state :joy:

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