The Tax Discussion Mega Thread

It’s a roblox name legit we don’t need anyone to manage the economy

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Uh, the IRS doesn’t really manage the economy…

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In accordance with §IX.I of the Bill of Rights of the State of Firestone, ‘Citizens shall never be asked to pay any obligatory taxes to the State of Firestone, neither shall businesses ever be asked by the Department of Commerce to pay any kind of rent or one-time payment.’

Does this mean the IRS is unconstitutional? Let me know below.

I also think this helps prove the point that all officers should read over the BoR, as there’s some useful information that could help you defend your personal freedoms as well.

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of course it is, but fed will overrule the bor


fed is fed
let him do what he wants
he doesn’t give a fuck about the BoR
he can make IRS if he wants to
without him, no firestone
we cannot do anything about it
so in the end, yes but fed doesn’t give a shit about the BoR


fed doesn’t care about the constitution
you know why?
because it literally states that the founder will have no part in dictating any political actions
yet what in the world is he doing?
dictating political actions


inb4 boston tea party in FS

People proceed to tar and feather tax agents

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You know what they say.

You can not tell Fedora what to do.

you won’t have taxes in north firestone

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You were also talking about the treasury “Something that could be implemented in v3”

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you ever just support taxes on your citizens so you can get money

seems legit

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I don’t see whats wrong with taxes, when do you guys even buy stuff, taxes r only 6% of your purchase

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You’re pathetic.

You misewell go back to Docklands where nothing happens, and the State of dysfunctional like yourself.

If you cannot take into consideration that v3 development is along the way, and that there are broader opportunistic for yourself in the new game, and more experiences for Firestone to grow upon, whats the point in being here? The State of Firestone isn’t 100% focused around realism, but much rather an addictive online platform where you can roleplay with others, with a focus to have fun. V3 will bring in more departments, agencies, operations, and financial structures that v1/v2 weren’t equipped with handling. If you want Firestone to die, we can stick with what we have, and not improve upon anything.

The funny thing is, you all want a BUDGET but how the hell are you supposed to go about that realistically without taxes? Sorry, you simply cannot.

Fed is the owner of the State of Firestone, and has 100% say over anything he wants done. Yes, Firestone is ran by a government, but if it wasn’t for fed, you wouldn’t have your job would you? Stop thinking so close-minded, and actually look-back at what you’re saying.

You don’t own any percentage of the State of Firestone, rather you work within it.

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Oh, and I’m sure you’re one of those that want a goddamn budget as well! :laughing:

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couldn’t have said it better


Yes, and no.

The Internal Revenue Service operates as a sub-department underneath the Treasury Department, that’s why Fedora made it in the first place. However, lets not jump to conclusions. The IRS hasn’t been established formally, and there isn’t a Treasury Department that has been instituted towards the government. Because the primary purpose of the IRS is to collect income and employment taxes, and because taxes haven’t been created and because the Department of the Treasury is purely non-existent, nobody isn’t really doing anything that is unconstitutional.

If you look at the quote from the Bill of Rights, it states that nobody should be ASKED. That doesn’t specifically stop somebody from voluntarily paying taxes directly to the state. It’s generally a matter of interpretation, I wouldn’t say that it would be unconstitutional or a violation of the Bill of Rights even if the IRS was completely operational.

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Or you know, just get a congress member to change that section, this isn’t rocket science folks

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im not letting my small amount of income to be taken away. i only get 8 dollars

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you broke

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This is why we establish fair pay…

Right now, it’s crazy…

We need to set appropriate pay per rank per agency/job title.

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