The Tax Discussion Mega Thread

This is a collection of all discussions regarding the tax plan Fedora plans to implement in v3

Due to the sheer volume of threads on this topic, and pretty much all of them echoing the same points, all discussion regarding it shall be moved here. Be on topic, obey forum rules. This thread will be more heavily watched by mods.

Have fun debating.


Waiting till I get all the posts in here


Nvm, can’t move posts if i do that


The State Legislature will never support any type of tax system that will kill the state.

If Fedora wants to kill this state by imposing taxes on citizens, that’s his choice. Taxes will kill the state inevitably. They are unattractive, violation of rights, and overall a horrible idea.

If Fedora wants to tell us how to run our government, he should legitimately run for a position.


County will charge 99% tax to support the communist party


Fed is above all form of law in The State of Firestone, he shall do whatever he pleases.
This can be a good and bad thing

Taxes would better improve the stability of the Firestone Dollar. As there is too much money being put into our economy atm than is being taken out, causing Inflation. This is because citizens simply save up their cash for big purchases such as a new vehicle, than small purchases like food. They do not need food ingame, so they lack buying such items.
Taxes would be a substitute and could cause vehicle prices to be cheaper.

At least thats how I think of it.


Patchy just wants money


Ironic how you say that yet you participate in this type of government. You acknowledge the constitution is weak and Fedora is the ruler of this state, but aren’t you supposed to support the constitution?

Pathetic. Get out of office.




I am acknowledging the truth. Fedora owns the group, so he can simply exile you if you do not support his ideas. I personally believe it shouldnt be this way, but that is how it is.

If you cannot accept Fedora has power, then you cannot read…

Constitution being weak? Eh, not really.

I do support the constitution, however, Fed is Fed. If he wanted to, he could be like Mayflower and revoke the constitution himself. But, he has self-control. He rarely steps in, but he can.

It is like how The Founders and Head Devs are in multiple departments. They are violating job regulations, but there is nothing stopping them from doing so.


You are oblivious and a puppet. Pathetic.


The group is his, but it’s also ours. Without us, he has an unsuccessful state, and maybe if you weren’t so fixated on trying not to be exiled, you should focus on making this state a non-dictatorship.

He does not let us run our government. He signed the constitution.


Fed rarely interferes with government operations. I doubt he actually read it anyways when he applied his signature to such document. As, if he actually agreed to the document, he would be giving away all his power.

The state is not a complete dictatorship, it is more like a constitutional monarchy.
Fedora has power, and he uses it when he wishes. But, he only uses it on small things.

Without us? When SCFD was made primary by fed, people were mad about it, but could not do anything. Other Ro-Nations are inferior to the ease and simplicity of Firestone. Mayflower is a complete disaster in terms of founder interference.
There will always be people willing to step up to any positions offered. We see with county government, the positions carry weight and power, and people ran for such positions. City positions were more lacking, but still had competition.

About you calling me a puppet… I am a puppet to no one but myself and my mind. I cannot exist without the State Government, but that does not make me a puppet. Puppets are controlled directly to take certain actions.
Sometimes I get the opinions of others, such as the DA when making big decisions. But in the end, what I do was my decision.

If you are suggesting I am a puppet to the founders, developers, ect, that would be correctly incorrect. I have no personal relation to such figures that would allow me to be a puppet. I rarely have contact with Fedora or other devs.

Oblivious? Not to my understanding.
I look into things before making a detailed opinion on any matter I am presented with. This matter you have presented me with is very straight forward. I am not a puppet, I do not view myself as oblivious. Fedora has power as he owns the group and consequently everything in it.

If he wished, he could take actions to ensure what he wishes gets done. He is not a dictator, he is just a puppet master of the state. But, a limited one at that. I understand your view, you are saying I am a puppet because he is the puppet master. But, that is not the case.

Decisions I make are my decisions alone, unless I have consulted people during the decision making process.

If I was a puppet to Fedora, I would have regular contact with him, which I do not feel that I do have such contact with him on a regular basis.

If we wish to think of it this way, the governments in Firestone are puppeted government by Fedora. Almost like Communist Satellite States.
The officials in the governments may have their opinions affected by him, but they are not directly controlled unless ordered with force or other means. Which doesn’t happen often with Fed.

I hope everything I just said made sense because I dont even understand half of what I said lol


State controls County through legislation(And Executive Orders now :wink:)


James, too bad. Taxes are probably gonna be added lol

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He can tell you how to run your government and you can’t do anything about it.


I support taxes

Lets not have a inflated economy


Well V2 was promised fishing, farming, etc. So… knowing FS devs, it won’t happen.


You do realize that we run the state as much as he does? Without us, he has no state.


He steps into anything that is controversial, as if we don’t know how to run the government.

It’s falling into a dictatorship far faster than you think. We are being limited on what we are able to do, and he is running us more than we’re running ourselves. Who cares if this is his group? Then what is the entire point of a government and a state if everyone is just thinking “well it’s his group so”. We’re supposed to be unique and run it together.

If people were to protest on a large scale, he can’t do much about it.


You don’t have to have an personal ties with them.

You clearly lack the knowledge of the purpose of this state.

It’s our job that if he starts running us horribly, to actually act on it instead of sitting here because we don’t want to lose our positions.