The Gun Prices Need to Be Lowered

im sorry a knife is fucking 1.2k? And a crowbar is 500? When it takes 7 hits to kill someone with it? They should cost like 50 max

What the hell


lower the prices!


the criminal community is shrinking so much in firestone, and I literally feel so bad for them. they are the most genuine, nice, yet neglected and shitted on group of people. i think we are missing 2 things:

  1. orginized crime
  2. criminal opportunities

seriously, it would be so fun for a gang to try and take over the capitol or manor, and have tactical units try and defend against it. let’s be honest, gangs doing crimes were the most fun for both sides. i had so much fun with the borgs, raid doc event, and much more. problem is, nobody has any incentive to create a gang and lead it, which leads to number 2

seriously though, the crimes we have right now are so boring. i think this can be solved with a few things. 1, introduce a player exchange system. you could exchange any items for money or items in return. 2. instead of illegal dealers, make it more illegal suppliers that are extremely hard to find, and have the criminals buy a bunch and sell the guns to other criminals. 3. add some house interiors or residential interiors, there would be so many fun rps with this. this would give incentive for orginized crime and criminals would find so many fun things to do with this.

i don’t think this would be hard to do since we already have kinda a storage system, but since devs are full steam ahead on v3 I doubt this would be implemented

but for now, PLEASE lower the prices. criminals have it the WORST and they are so creative, they keep giving LEOs new situations to do everyday. their contributions to this community match the contributions of developers and such. PLEASE.

this is not an endorsement or support of any of these crimes, simply stating what would be fun and what would benifiet this community


we NEED to give guns CHEAP for those who are law abiding citizens and make it easier to achieve a firearm license for those who have served in uniform

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I don’t think its even 7, its more like 8-9 pretty sure

I only bought the knife once and it was the worst purchase, I took it out and a CFL smoked me for no reason.


house robbery update maybe!!! it’d be fun, especially for IO trying to investigate what occured n stuff


you realize i did this and the devs havent added because balance issues

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props to you for trying then, genuinely

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I think we can do a mix of what you suggested and lowering gun prices at the same time. Civilians/criminals need more roleplay opportunities and theres no ifs ands or buts about it. And yes, our criminal populations some of the most genuine people i’ve ran into in firestone. I’ve met some really cool people on the “other side”

and yes, organized crime brings on fun as fuck scenarios. When marzano was still around they’d legit take over the city of prom and that was fun af to deal with.

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how do yk illegal guns are too expensive???! :eyes:

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I saw a comment from phil on another thread which said the prices (hence where I got the numbers in my post from) and I also see all of the complaints on the forums and in discord

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pretty sketch, r u a mole and dhs doesnt know it

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no sir dw im innocent

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its not illegal to go to paws lol, its illegal to have a gun from him

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pretty sketch for caring about this community huh

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pretty sketch to be on forums at midnight, huh

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fed said before that congress raising wages = him raising prices of stuff in v2


Whenever a large organized crime group pops up cops tend to follow the crowd(the group) around until a minor crime (like a traffic infraction) occurs. I understand where a gang goes crime happens but to the extent I’ve seen it just seems like crime camping/stalking. People don’t wanna be constantly stalked by a guy with a power fetish waiting to send you to the lego city time-out. It kills the fun, people stop being active in these groups, and they die out in a week or two.


There’s a reason why Mayflower’s county smashes Firestone every day in server capacity.


thats fucked the opposite should be happening in our case. Financially the only way to support yourself in FS seems to be to go legal and join a department.