Hello, I would like to quickly open a discussion and gather everyone’s thoughts on the future of POST. Do you have any thoughts, comments, ideas, etc? Drop them below. I’ll be reading this forum all day and responding.
me im the best idea
its broken
bring back max
Drop POST and let departments train they’re employees
Just make POST Great Again. Get a Good Leader & Administration.
make me director
get it open ASAP.
Make the bears instructors
make fedora master b98 the director
Give someone with actual experience in being a director cough iiSouthernLaw cough* Director and let him fix POST.
Not that bad of an Idea.
POST does not get a lot of cadets anymore, so having graduation once a month does not work, instead of that system implement a new system, something like shorter classes, or maybe year round classes and people can just apply at any time and like tiers would be hosted whenever, basically my point is to get rid of 1 class month
Bring back Max
Bring back Max.
Some things that must be done are to revert to an older style of teaching. Although others may find this information out of date, it worked for over 10 classes without some bullshit reforms occurring every 1-2 classes and jamming the next one up. This current class has been without tiers for nearly a month or so already and need to be learning, not watching reforms that will delay the process even further.
In conclusion, we need a better teaching style and “older” instructors to return to help reboot the academy to how it should be.
nominate josh
Teach. The. Fucking. Constitution. And. Bill. Of. Rights.
You know pretty much the biggest documents in the state that govern pretty much everything?
Bring back Max
bring back max