The End of a Judicial Era

Hello my fellow citizens, it is with a heavy heart that I announce this as my retirement from the state judiciary. My career in our legal system began in mid-august of 2017 when I was confirmed as a DCJ. Since then I’ve risen from the bottom to the highest judicial post in the land. Being Chief Court Justice has been my aspiration since that fateful August, and it’s only now that I have it that I realize not only how poor of a job it is, but how ill prepared I am for having it. I have failed the state and its people. I have let my inadequacies both personal and professional harm the judiciary and the state as such. Which is why I resign and retire in disgrace. I just can’t stand watching the judiciary collapse around me-in part to my poor leadership. After this, I will no longer take part in the judiciary (though I do still plan to practice law).

As for my replacement, Justice Jefrafra is an incompetent, nasty, hypocritical, manipulative man that will destroy us all. The only reason he’s still here is that he wants his contempt charge appealed. I highly encourage the Governor, Senate, and the people to look to Judge Jones to fill my shoes. Though she has held no AJSC time here, she has held interpretive posts in many other states and can handle the role well. She’s also exceptionally organized and good with policy. Undoubtedly she can lead better than I, and I wish her well.

On a more cheery note, I’d like to express my gratitude to all the judges and lawyers who I’ve served with throughout the years-yes even the likes of the lesser favored judges like Patchy and Marshall, as well as Jef. When I started my time in the judiciary under @NotoriousAmerican (who I owe everything to) our procedure was legit a maybe 20 lines Roblox forum copied from Norfolk. Our SC cases were just small arguments then posting a paragraph “slip” on the Trello card. The change that I have seen and worked toward in these years with my colleagues has been amazing, and the state would not be the same without it. I remember the days when citizens could file and prosecute criminal cases.The judiciary has never been “big.” When I started we had maybe 7 or 8 total judges. I mean in state history we’ve had maybe 40 DCJs ever, around 10 AJSCs, and I am the 5th CCJ. Nevertheless, despite our flaws, the judiciary has been my family and raised me to the influence and status I hold today. The name “DannyboyLaw” is recognized by many (for good or worse, heh) and it’s very touching when i join the game and people instantly recognize and say hello to me. Finally, I thank the people of this state who have trusted me to execute the just administration of law, despite my many shortcomings in return. And it’s to the people that I once again apologize.


o7, thank you for ur hard work


o7 danny

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o7 danny

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o7 Danny, WE WILL MISS YOU :frowning:

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o7 thank you for everything you did boss man


I’m sincerely apologetic that we had so many disagreements on management and law. However, you’ve served the state as a great legal practitioner, and I am thankful for many of the actions you’ve taken.

Farewell, Mr. Law.


o7777777777777777777777777777 danny

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danny omg o7


o7 danny, you were a good judge and I wish you the best of luck in the future.


o7 danny

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o7 to you Danny, you’ve been a great CCJ, and I’m going to miss you!


please don’t make skye the next CCJ

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welcome to the club danny
we have jackets.


you fuck…



I once considered you my enemy back in my County Executive days Danny, but I’ve learned you’ve always been a great friend, statesman and you’ve been full of integrity and wisdom. I appreciate all the help and guidance you’ve provided me with and your long time service to the state.

The Right Honourable Lieutenant Governor Ash1835


TYFYS (-_-)7


an icon has stepped down, o7 and good luck


Thank you for your judicial services Mr. Law.

Good luck in your future endeavours, o7.