taterGad For Redwood City Alderman

Introduction of Candidate

Hello Citizens of Redwood and Firestone. Today I will be announcing my candidacy for Alderman In The city of Redwood. I have experience in county and know how hectic Redwood Can get. If elected, one of my main goals will be to Protect our LEOS, Public Employees, And Citizens While In Redwood with stricter Policies/bills pertaining to Safety and Protection. I also would like to Ensures smooth communication between Municipal and County governments.


Current Positions And Certifications

  • Current Division Coordinator Of Company 1 In the Department of Public Works.
  • Current Firefighter Of Engine 35 in SCFD.
  • Current Chief Operating Officer of Redwood Taco Blox Located on December Ave.
  • FFA Class 14 FF/EMT-B Certified.


Goals while In Office

While In Office If elected, I would like to Make Redwood A Safe place for everyone who visits, everyone who lives here, and every LEO, Public Employee, And Fire Department member Who Performs their duties in Redwood. I agree, Redwood can get crazy with Pursuits, Fires, Medicals, Active Shooters, Etc. But If elected I plan to ensure that all citizens feel safe in Redwood. If elected, I also would like to ensure that Any bills That will hurt Redwood or negatively Impact its citizens Do not pass. I will work for the people, ensuring that they Have their Voices heard and any bills That Pass is with the Citizens of Redwoods Approval.


Why Me?

You may Ask yourself, Why should I Choose you? Well, There’s One simple answer to this question. I will be working for You The People and Will be working to Improve Redwood and make it the best it can be. If you are to have any concerns while I am in office My Discord DMs will always be open. And If you don’t Like my Decisions that I make and I stop working for you, the people Vote me out. Vote me out of Office Next election. As that will be what I deserve If I stop working for you, the people.



In Conclusion, If elected into The Redwood City Council I Will strive to serve you, the people and will strive to Make Redwood the best and safest it can be. If you have any concerns now about my Election, or have any concerns About my Goals in Office My Discord DMs are open. (taterGad#9591) A vote for me Is a vote for the people, Make your voice heard!

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NewflyerXcelsior: https://gyazo.com/9ead1857ebd809a0edfed871a2777ca6

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support for my fellow bin man


LieutenantGeneraI: https://gyazo.com/6be87f2171f13fb0a3325a31f84ea567

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How will you do this?

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I plan on ensuring all side walks, public gathering areas, Business Properties in Redwood, and neighborhoods in Redwood are adequately safe and protected. I might, If needed propose a bill or bills that ensure the safety of the aforementioned areas.

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How will you exactly make sure these areas are safe? Just curious.

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My question to you kind sir, how will you make sure bills that are negative to Redwood will not Pass?

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By Talking with the community, Talking with other Alderman/Alderwoman and Citizens to Get their feedback on bills.


By Ensuring that Area has adequate Ordinances/laws in Place weather they be from the city, county, or State Legislation that Ensures that area is well protected by law. If that area does not have adequate Protection, Which I will determine By Citizens opinion and Other opinions of Alderman or Alderwoman, I will do my best to get it up to the citizens standards.




How do you determine if an area is ‘adequately protected’?

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As I mentioned, I will take the Citizens Of Redwood’s Opinion, And Opinions of Other Alderman/Alderwoman and if the opinion is no, its unsafe (Granted You can only do so much in a City Council) I would, If needed Possibly Make Bill suggestions to the County Council, Or State Legislature In order to get that area/district up to the standards of the Redwood Citizens.