Taking Away Your Right To Free Assembly! - The Communist County Government

On 11/4/19 at 2:30 PM EST, our Stapleton County County Executive ThalliusReborn, restricted our right to freely assemble, as guarentteed by the Bill of Rights. He did this by signing the “County Events Permit Act” into law:

The legislation defines an event as: “An “event” shall be defined as: A pre-planned, organized function, or meeting.
The Firestone Bill of Rights, Section II states:

Citizens have the right to peaceably assemble: their right to do so cannot be curtailed or interrupted by law enforcement agencies, although private and restricted government property cannot be entered, and those inciting violence or rebellion shall be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.”

ANY ASSEMBLY falls under the definition in this bill, and attempts to degrade the value of our state’s law, and our rights!
They wish to fine you $900 if you dont ask them ahead of time:
The host of an event without a permit shall receive a nine-hundred (900) dollar citation for

Hosting an Event without a Permit”. Hosting an Event without a Permit shall be a misdemeanor

When we consider the people who are behind this, it is not surprising it was passed. The two of biggest concern in this are Elite_Creations and Antador. These are both leftists who wish to slowly and subtlety censor your speech and your rights. And just when you thought our County Executive was a good guy, he works with these people to sign your rights away!

I am absolutely disappointed our county government has stooped this low, running out of ideas to the point where they want to restrict YOUR RIGHTS! Either that or this is an intentional censorship of your rights.

Do you approve of the “County Events Permit Act”?

  • I approve of this act.
  • I disapprove of this act
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Are you disappointed in our County Government?

  • My disappointment is immense, and my day is ruined.
  • No I am not disappointed.
0 voters

If I get a potato then I shall join

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You’d think it would be obvious it is unconstitutional. But must not be that obvious.

Speaker Pro Tempore,


I want to share potato

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Supreme Court, Supreme Court, god I love Supreme Court

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can we please just get rid of county legislature
it just adds another layer of unnecessary complexity when you have 2 legislative bodies governing the exact same amount of land


And this is why I filed a writ of certiorari

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yall get stressed about this but arbor’s had noise disturbance and no protesting in front of houses laws since ages

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Well, nobody literally enforces that so. And nobody cares about Arbor.


this is just like irl dude

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as if any cop in their right mind would enforce this. you don’t need a 5-page slip to understand that this is unconstitutional.


not sure why anyone wants Firestone to become exactly like the US.


This is unconstitutional, 100% agree Patchy. I can’t even stand by this.


I don’t understand how 3 ‘council members’ or whatever the hell they are who are all POST certified looked at that and said “hm, yes, this will improve our county and is absolutely not illegal.”.


Most POST Cert people haven’t read the BOR/Constitution so


Looking into the act.


Thank you Chris, very cool!


@Elite_Creations @Antador @HxppyTeddyy @anon27940503 not gonna lie, y’all might wanna repeal this act else its gonna get struck down by the SC


Well on that note.

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Well it seems that the County Chairman has proposed legislation to nullify the bill. https://trello.com/c/wpAYhiFi/193-a-bill-to-nullify-county-events-permit-act

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