Statement from Senator JasonBourneAxis

“For the people”

Time to fulfill that.

This is about a discord I am opening up, the office of senator JasonBourneAxis, you may ask.

What is the point of this?

I want feedback from the people of firestone, I want bill suggestions, I want to speak to you citizens about some problems our state has as of right now, and fix it together

How will this benefit you and us the people?

This will benefit me by knowing your complaints, feedback, and bill suggestions regarding me or the Senate. This also lets me know what I need to improve on and everything.

This benefits you guys by suggesting bills that I can draft with you guys and make it the best I can. You can also tell me what to improve on, to become a better Senator as a whole.

What is the discord link? make sure to follow rules and that stuff.

That is all I wanted to say today, thanks for reading, hope you join and help give me feedback and bill suggestions!

From, Senator JasonBourneAxis “For the people”



Credit to @SUPAHSHARP for the gfx


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