Discord Server Nitro Boosting perks added to Stapleton County.
Boosters will drop 10% of their cash instead of 20% upon death.
Boosters will receive a +3$ upgrade from their current wage.
Grandfathered Boosters (prior to this update) will receive $20,000 upon first joining the game.
Booster list is updated every 20 minutes, and takes 2 minutes to initiate on new servers. When list is being updated, there will be a 5-7 seconds delay which may affect users that die during that time frame. An attempt to fix this will be pushed later.
Booster perks will come out here and there for current boosters, including custom vehicle modifications and others.
All dealers were shifted because Homeland Security agents decided that civilians were being too unruly by constantly killing defenseless public employees and bailing by raiding most known locations.
Maximum arrest time was raised to 25 minutes (1500 seconds).
Citation maximum was limited to $1000 instead of $10,000.
Inmates can now serve out of game. If you have 15 minutes in prison, you can leave the game and rejoin in 15 minutes serving the full time.
Courts can now issue a maximum time of 5 days (432000 seconds) with the serving update, although legislature would still need to be updated.
Game was shutdown to push updates.
Important note: These updates are to test the balancing mechanism for v3 use. We intend on implementing a system where individuals who log would be placed in prison for extended periods of time instead of being banned, in addition to the serving time off game.
Batons added for LEOs. If you hit an individual sitting in a seat, it’ll take them out of the seat. You no longer need to roleplay breaking windows and dragging them out, that is what the baton is for.
Civilian Cars will now spawn on different pads each time and will rotate in a full cycle to prevent cars spawning on top of each other.
Currently whitelisted to some non-toxic criminals to retrieve robbery data and balance it. We will slowly roll it out to more verified criminals prior to releasing it to everyone.
Only the ATMs at the three banks are robbable for now. Two out of the three ATMs have a blue brick marking that it is robbable.
You need an ATM card from the black market dealer to initiate the robbery.
An attempted fix was pushed for the handcuffs giving input lag. Since I was unable to replicate the issue, I can only guess what the problem was and attempted to fix it. Network ownership after releasing/arresting a suspect for your root part should be set to you.
ATM Robberies are now live for public. Only two ATMs can be robbed at the same time.
Stapleton County Fire Department employees can no longer be damaged.
They can still be damaged through fall damage.
They are no longer allowed to purchase weapons from Frank.
They are no longer allowed to access Envelope’s Storage.
Thanks to all the criminals that loved to spam kill and annoy the Fire Department while they attempted to roleplay, all employees on the FD team will not be affected by gunshots or melee weapons, except those of other department members (e.g. DoT pepper spray, LEO baton etc).
Flipping vehicles will now take 10 seconds. A text will appear under your vehicle GUI stating how long it will take for your vehicle to flip, to which you can cancel the sequence if you’d like. This only applies for civilian and law enforcement vehicles. DoT, SCFD, DPW, and other non-essential vehicles do not have a flip cooldown.
The reset timer was fixed, and it now takes 10 seconds to reset! This will prevent people from resetting to avoid arrest/situations. The reset timer will stop if player is cuffed or moves.
On-top of our previous balancing additions today, we are introducing two new game mechanics that will help cut down on FRP!
NO MORE PULLING OUT AND BLASTING INSTANTLY FROM YOUR BLOCKY REAR! V2 guns now have a pulling out animation before they can be fired. LEO’s and criminals can no longer blast opposing sides from out of nowhere. https://gyazo.com/8fe7f0f2535a44f00abaab79773396d1
POPPING A TIRE NOW REMOVES -10 SPS FROM THE VEHICLE AFFECTED! This was an intended feature that for some reason hasn’t been operating correctly over the past few months. We finally fixed it!
Update Log 06.23.20 - 5:49 PM EDT
V2 shutdown for a few fixes;
Licensed citizens should be able to purchase from :PathsGuns: as normal now
Envelopes Storage facility has been fixed so players can store/withdraw things again
Update Log 09.13.20 - 8:20 PM EDT
Update Log for the shutdown today:
Boat Fire/Gas were fixed
SCFD Boats now have the same lockers as the engine does on the sides (the railings towards the top)
CG has blue lights now
Boat data was wiped, you will have to re-purchase (and you will lose money this time)
Speedboat seat was fixed
Temporary Safezone
The green marked area is the temporary safezone where crime is FRP. Weapons may not be used in the safezone nor can someone shoot inside the safezone from anywhere else.