Update Log 4.22.19 - 9:02 PM PST
- Wages Updated, read below for more information
- CRT Helmet GUI added for toggleable lights, untested
- DHS IO Kit permissions fixed. DHS Lockers access is set to anyone above rank of 30
- DHS IO Kit fingerprint scan radius limited
- Lighting updated to ShadowMap (Future is Bright v2)
Game was shutdown to push update to all servers.
Wage Update
Wages were updated in Stapleton County v2 to the following settings:
In accordance to the Fair Pay Act, the minimum wage for each team was set appropriately. As you move on the ranks, based on the tier you receive a certain bonus.
Tier Level
First Number Value: Lowest Role in Tier
Second Number Value: Highest Role in Tier
Third Number Value: % increase from base pay
First Number Value: Base Pay in accordance to Fair Pay Act
Second Number Value (if any): Group ID associated with
Citizen Pay
First Number Value: Firestone Group ID
Second Number Value: Rank Value
Third Number Value: Wage set to value
Below are all the ranks updated with respect to their tier levels.
Corrections: https://i.imgur.com/sHbxaYj.png
SCFD: https://i.imgur.com/ggO7Jle.png
DHS: https://i.imgur.com/cpjghuI.png
FNG: https://i.imgur.com/faKwOO0.png
DPW: https://i.imgur.com/sjTEr5V.png
SCSO: https://i.imgur.com/tPgNWwA.png
FSP: https://i.imgur.com/EKh8InV.png
DOT: https://i.imgur.com/pn0UGCb.png
DOH: https://i.imgur.com/ZQk8ydf.png