Sky_Law Termination is a false targeted, and most corrupt DPS case I've seen

I don’t think you get to call Disorder an idiot here. Should MD maybe be more careful with their boats? Perhaps. Are the boats shitty to drive? Certainly.

I honestly can not comprehend how you think it’s a great idea for the MARINE Division to not use boats. So let’s just check your logic real quick:
First of all, where are boats spawned? At the civilian docks. Those are not that close to the DoC island, so they’d have to move the boat to get near the jurisdiction they’re supposed to patrol.
Second of all, how far can they really see while standing still? Well, buddy I’ll tell you a little secret. Their jurisdiction is around an island. They are not able to see through that island and they still have to patrol all sides of that island. That’s not gonna work if you’re just standing on your boat looking around.
Third of all, do they even really need the boat? Well I mean their name pretty much gives away what they do, doesn’t it? They’re supposed to patrol the waters and deal with people who enter our restricted waters. If they’re just gonna stand on the shores driving around the edges of the island I can guarantee you that they wouldn’t see much, especially in the dark. Just driving around the whole is, and would take a long time, as there are many hills which make it hard to go around the shore.
Yes MD needs boats and yes they need to drive those boats.

Oh and since everyone seems to think their ranks are so important and are flexing with them: I aM An ScSO uNDeRshEriFf aNd Doc CaPTaIn


I mean I’m going to be honest here the boats are pretty easy to drive if you’re careful with them, but if we need to respond somewhere at a fast speed, when we turn we just spin out


ok. thanks for the heads up.


you weren’t the brightest at times in SCFD sky

but we still had our laughs.


when someone’s career is ruined and they’re bullied online for doing things that most LEOs have done at some point in their career


No one is being bullied im trying to defend them… smh

  1. i searched for where i called disorder an idiot.

didnt find where i called him an idiot at all.

  1. i never said they couldnt use the boats?

i said they dont have to be constantly driving them around 24/7, you’re able to stop the boat and look 360 degrees with roblox camera, i said you can move so often? you only need 2 boats to cover the doc waters.

  1. i never said they had to sit on shores /shrug

Kinda sad, how most people just target a person. DPS is hella corrupt and all their policies should be reformed. Governor Ash is planning to do this in his next term if he gets re-elected. DPS is now turning into the Mayflower ICF checks. It’s kinda sad these days. Sky_Law is an amazing person with great values. People treat him and judge him and think he is the worst and should not be working. I was in Class 49, that’s the time that Sky_Law was put into POST. I have worked along-side Sky and I think he is an amazing person. Once again DPS is corrupt and there policies should be reformed.


Also for people who dont understand how DOC boats work the gears dont matter no matter what gear you go it goes max speed. You could go gear 1 and still go max speed and boats as said or hard to handle by MD members, and I can only imagine how he crashed multiple times and probably others did too.


So, I’ve seen this juicy forum post and now I’ve decided to involve myself.

In the event this was a case of targeting, Sky_Law himself, has been accused of targeting other people as well, Wierdo for example. Wierdo and Sky_Law have been at eachothers throats for as long as they’ve been employed together, consistently reporting one another. Like I’m sorry but who in the fuck reports another cop and doesn’t expect to have backlash? Let alone attempt to arrest or arrest a cop? There have been multiple instances where Sky_Law has reported other Officers and even attempted to arrest one, sounds like some clear targeting to me. Back on topic, there is no possible way you could expect to do all of this and then have no backlash with people coming back after you.

Now, from my personal experience and knowledge, I can, quite conclusively say, this was not targeting. This is DPS taking in reports and dealing with said reports. Obviously probosvictor is going to come to the defense of his friend but I highly doubt you are experienced enough to comment on the matter at hand. Sky_Law, in those videos, has quite clearly broken laws and DOC policies in which DPS has investigated and supposedly found him guilty of. The same thing would happen to me if I uploaded videos of myself breaking laws.

I’m acting as a neutral party here and have made no attempts to insult or make Sky_Law look bad, same with Wierdo. I am quite simply stating facts to support my argument so POST don’t hurt me <3


Elaborate what exact “Policies” did he violate and in which clips?


An example of him speeding, that is breaking the law

DOC No-Tolerance policy which states:


Again, the boats are fine if you go a reasonable speed, there was no reason for him to go a fast speed there


no shit sherlock im on your side, use some context clues…


no 5 characters


Why not we just go get rid of this department, I’ve seen other issues such as the lack of actual experience when investigating incidents (both in an administrative and legal point of view) and clearly, especially when the House of Representatives had to impeach the Secretary, their administrators are lacking in ensuring the department functions ethically and properly.

Oh wait, Fedora won’t agree, forgot, oh well.


why don’t you read the doc i wrote on how we are fixing this.

and ryan resigned before the impeachment so miscommunication there so you can take that off the list.


If he resigned, how come no one knew about it? That doesn’t seem right nor does it justify anything.

Link this document?


that was an old clip from when i just joined MD


He is 100% innocent, just like 69super, his DPS case was denied but he went into an argument with DPS and he was terminated