Sky_Law Termination is a false targeted, and most corrupt DPS case I've seen

how does it make me dumb?

im saying you aren’t required to drive the boats at all, its your job to patrol the waters but if the boats are broken why use them? why use them if youre saying theyre so shit and unable to perform basic duties and necessities for your division?

you can patrol the waters just standing still in a boat.


How do you effectively patrol waters without a boat? And how do you patrol with a boat without moving it?


you can patrol the waters just by moving your camera around to see? you dont to turn the boat to see behind you? you dont need to drive the boat everywhere to see everything around you.

have you been on a boat in real life buddy?




wait a sec… didnt you go rogue?




I’m a licensed boater in the State of Michigan, yes I have. Our cameras only go so far, and it is not effective at all to patrol that way.

The red area marks our jurisdiction, now would you want to swim around like a fish moving your camera around, or just drive a boat that, while it’s buggy, is very effective in patrolling the water.


you literally said they can patrol in a f150 or something


Read above, you can’t patrol an F-150 in more than half of that


thats like 50-100 studs off shore. even on graphics 1 you can see that far. you dont need to be going dick fast in a boat to get somewhere.

even if “gear 1” and “gear 26” are the same, why do you need to be in gear 26 then if gear 1 is completely the same thing? its retarded. i dont see why that’s relevant at all?

2 people are effectively able to sit on a boat, park it on each side of the facility. and be able to see everything.


plus if typing makes you go faster, why the fuck would you be typing while driving the boat? honestly, please tell me how it is even SMART to drive while driving the boat.


How will they get their boats there? Pushing them with their small blocky bodies? You’re making no sense at all. Additionally to that, your camera does not reach that far, nor are you about to effectively spot anyone from that method.


and, yes it does? i play roblox and graphics 1 allows you to see 50-100 studs away fucking EASILY.

and im saying you can drive the boats to those positions? i never said you couldn’t buddy. you are literally incapable of reading and i wonder how you get 3ic in doc:md without the basic comprehension skills of a 5th grader.


@Kat4Katrina this is slowly becoming shitposting


Ok, then let’s think about your method…

You get called to a call about a breacher in the water on the WHOLE other side of the island, you could easily make it there in your boat, but the ex dps that went rogue says it’s much better to go on foot. Once you reach it though, you notice that the breacher has already killed the correctional officer at the checkpoint and is now raiding the prison.

Doesn’t that sound swell?


lets think your way:

yes everyone knows typing faster while driving the boat makes you speed up

oh lets do it anyways

yes the boat is hard to control

oh lets still drive it around and not be smart about it, using a logical and clear way. lets not take our time, and be erratic, and say its developers fault when we can do things to prevent it.

gear 1 & 26 are the same, but some people just like seeing gear 26.

i generally believe gear 1 and gear 26 are not the same. how are they same, can you prove that they’re the same, and just the “superstition” of seeing gear 26 isn’t an excuse to be in gear 26 at all.

i see no way in hell in any of this is completely justified and any thing remotely near “he shouldn’t have been psb’d or terminated.”

i ran dps, i investigated people, i ran the investigation teams before, i was an investigator.

and truly, not even gonna lie. i barely know the kid but it’d give it the same result. maybe not having all of the counts at those numbers, maybe a little yes and cut some slack. but this dude definitely deserved a psb and a post cert removal.

i applaud you for sticking up for one of your employees, and thats generous of you, and i actually like people that do that.

yet that is an “what if” situation, and what if situations aren’t real.

you can drive the boat yet you shouldn’t be an immature fuck and just blame it on “lag,” or “developers fault” when there is clear ways to avoid half of that shit.




I mean if you can’t drive a boat, why join a Marine Division?


i never went rogue so.


very cool!