Shark for Senate (pt 9)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen of Firestone,

Today, I have decided to run for re-election to the Firestone Senate.

For those who are unaware of who I am, my name is sharkfish82 or shark which most people call me within this community. For much of my time within the State of Firestone, I have been involved within its state politics. I have been in both chambers of congress and ran leadership in both in respective eras of the state’s history. Furthermore, I have been within the executive’s office on multiple occasions. For those who want the quick look at experience, my resume is the following:

  • 1x Governor of the State of Firestone
  • 3x Lieutenant Governor of the State of Firestone
  • 7x Senator of the Firestone Senate
  • 1x President Pro Tempore of the Firestone Senate
  • x1 Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone
  • x2 Representative of the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone

Furthermore, I have been involved and expressed my input with many monumental pieces of legislations during my time within government. This includes the past effort of major overhauls to our constitution as well as various restructuring efforts to various old laws within the state. A few examples of my past involvement of legislative work includes but is not limited to the following:

Overall, I hope my presence although controversial at times, is still appreciated by the community in some way and that I can be trusted to hold this office for another term. Thank you for reading this short summary of a speech and I hope you will support my candidacy in this election both in support and with the ballot box.

Keep on being a goon,

Shark :shark:

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support and endorsee

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support and endorse we NEED this man in congress

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support king

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i support you master

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pack it up unc

he won’t stop until he gets to 20 terms :fire: :pray: