SCFD Employment Re-Classification Amendment V2

SCFD Employment Re-Classification Amendment V2

To re-classify the entirety of the Stapleton County Fire Department as a secondary department in accordance with FEDeral law.

Chief Sponsor(s): Representative DeltaTrigger

Co-Sponsor(s): Represenative legaalsp

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,

§1. Title

(a) This amendment shall be known, and may be cited as “SCFD Employment Re-Classification Amendment V2

§2. Enactment

(a) This amendment shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon completing the processes constitutionally required.

§3. Severability

(a) Should any part of this amendment be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

§4. Enforcement

(a) This amendment shall be enforced by any relevant parties.

§5. Definitions

  1. The Employment Act of 2023 is defined as Employment Act of 2023

§6. Amendments

(a) Chapter 3, Section 11, subsection a of The Employment Act of 2023 currently states:
“The following departments shall be recognized as secondary departments—
(i) The Firestone Department of Corrections;

(ii) Firestone Department of Public Safety;

(iii) Firestone Department of Transportation;

(iv) Firestone Department of Public Works;

(v) Firestone Department of Health;

(vi) Firestone Aviation Administration or Firestone Department of Aviation; and

(vii) the Stapleton County Port Authority.”

(b) Chapter 3, Section 11, subsection a of The Employment Act of 2023 shall be amended to state:
“The following departments shall be recognized as secondary departments—
(i) The Firestone Department of Corrections;

(ii) Firestone Department of Public Safety;

(iii) Firestone Department of Transportation;

(iv) Firestone Department of Public Works;

(v) Firestone Department of Health;

(vi) Firestone Aviation Administration or Firestone Department of Aviation; and

(vii) the Stapleton County Port Authority. ; and

(viii) the Stapleton County Fire Department."

(c) Chapter 5, section 13, subsection a(ii) of The Employment Act of 2023 shall be null and void.

(d) Chapter 2, Section 9, subsection a of The Employment Act of 2023 currently states:
“The following departments shall be recognized as primary departments—
(i) The Firestone Bureau of Investigation ;

(ii) Firestone State Patrol

(iii) Firestone Park Service

(iv) Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office

(v) Stapleton County Fire Department

(vi) Redwood Police Department

(vii) Arborfield Police Department

(viii) Prominence District Police ; and

(viv) Firestone Department of Homeland Security.

(e) Chapter 2, Section 9, subsection a of The Employment Act of 2023 shall be amended to state: “The following departments shall be recognized as primary departments—
(i) The Firestone Bureau of Investigation ;

(ii) Firestone State Patrol

(iii) Firestone Park Service

(iv) Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office

(v) Stapleton County Fire Department

(vi v) Redwood Police Department

(vii vi) Arborfield Police Department

(viii vii) Prominence District Police ; and

(viv viii) Firestone Department of Homeland Security.

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