Rework Firestone Economy

Why doesn’t Firestone have its own circulating economy. For example, if a business sells a product (ex: Pigeon Kebabs & Sparks), the FSD made should go to a company storage menu. This FSD can be distributed to said people inside the business. In addition, cities would get a “weekly salary” where the money they receive from fake taxes (spawned money) would be used for funding business operations within their city. Not only that but the bank robbery system should also align with this idea. The amount of money stolen in a city or state( Ex: 150k) will be deducted from the city’s treasury. This new idea can bring upon insurance companies that are not just role play etc.

Anyone have any extra ideas on this?



would be abused 100%


That’s where new laws would be implemented, strictly managing how FSD could be used, where it can be used, & repercussions for misusage.

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If bank robberies actually steal something that’d be cool but a limit should be put on it just to not bankrupt cities

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Yes, obviously… When a player robs a bank, the dirty money will be marked with a Prominence Tag. If the player successfully converts that money to clean money over at the dirty money dealer, the amount of dirty money will be deducted from the city’s amount. Obviously, there will be an insurance claim system, presumably a business ran by the Department of Commerce, to regain the amount lost back for the city. The city would have to pay a monthly due at the to the insurance companies. Insurance companies would have a “very high” limit of cash expendable. Not only that, but portions of the city’s tax revenue will go to FDOT, DOPW, and Prominence Police Department. The amount of cash a department has, will determine it’s effectiveness at stopping criminals and will be usable to purchase new vehicles or buildings (obviously at a high price so that they wont be getting a new vehicle every few months). Not only that, but cities can also use that revenue for infrastructure programs. As discussed in my candidacy for District Council of Prominence (Inspiring Energy to Spark a Tomorrow (Crazy305Kid Prominence District Elections)), new infrastructure an be developed with projects costing 10-15M FSD. The amount gained per city will be determined by the amount of stores, banks, gas stations, etc. within each city. For example, the tunnel created a few months ago in Hillview, should’ve cost the city a set price. In addition, salaries for police officers, government officials, and state personnel could bet determined by the amount of cash put into each department or set aside to a group of people. This would cause motivation for people to work for a city as they will be getting paid for protection of the city. Cities can also pay companies to operate within their city, moving monopolizations opportunities around the state of Firestone. This new form of economy would bring realism into the game, and would put use and need for a treasury role within each city, allowing for greater job opportunities. It would be a complex system, but if passed through the executive branches needed, and done correctly, it can positively affect gameplay.

Tax Gain per Building Type:
ATM (Max: 30): 2.5k
ShedHome (Max: 50): 10k
Townhome Building (Max: 5): 20k
Apartment Building (Max: 5): 20k
House (Max: 50): 20k
Farm Plot (Max: 25): 35k
Store (Max: 50): 30k
News Station (Max: 3): 80k
Gas Station (Max: 3): 95k
Arena (Max: 2): 125k
Bank (Max: 1): 125k
Car Dealership (Max: 1): 150k

-Signed Crazy305Kid

(The idea I’m going to propose is far reached but could be sick… Firestone Stock Market)

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probably wont happen, you’d get someone like @spidermanIunchbox bankrupt the entire state

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6 words: people will find a way to abuse.

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That is correct, but with everything people will find a way to abuse things. That’s why I want to have a sort of checks & balance system to make sure that the money is being well spent. One can also have the city release all spendings to the public, so if something is abused, one can begin an impeachment of the treasure.

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Good suggestion

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no. economy doesnt work on roblox and has been tried many times


I hardly see that idea working in practice but it sounds cool

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