Public Statement - Office of County Councilmember DavidForged

The State vs County bitching competition has gone on since the 1st elected government and 1st elected County Executive, there will be no end to it


Ever since Deputy Chief SwagGermanFighter (its not swagger) left the department in 2020 it’s been a real shitshow. Knowing that you probably never served in the department, around that time everyone was trying to coup zip out because they thought he was bias. Zip was making decisions without consulting swag, swag went to dhs and left the department since 2 primaries.

with swag missing from the picture, zip made zep deputy chief because that was quite literally his only option. zip got fired/forced resigned by daunt who was ce at the time and zep got nominated for chief. The department then became even worse than what it was, and it wasn’t all zep’s fault. Zep was a chief officer for a couple weeks before being thrown the position of fire chief. from an external pov, zep wasn’t ready for fire chief and the big jump that he got from it. zep was making decisions that kept the department in a low state. Things started to get better when aestheticallyhappy was offered deputy chief, but he later resigned to go as county executive. the department was lacking, and antonio was offered deputy chief with little experience in the fire service and passed a written exam, people complained to me and zep about incompetency (with borderline evidence) so I suspended his certification. We took him to the training facility and we worked out issues and later found him competent.

come today, this department is in shambles which really comes from a lot of issues. the department only has two hicomm members, if one goes on LOA it fucks up the entire department in certain aspects because its either zep or ant running the department solo. The field operations captain did (idk if he still does) the bare minimum activity requirements and pushes papers. a department captain is tasked with leading their guys in county, not doing trello work. the rescue lieutenant got away with being barely involved within the department for months, and it took multiple “pushes” to get anything done to him. there is plenty of attempts that senior guys have tried to help zep and scfd but we were given the cold shoulder or the “thanks, but no thanks”. scfd really just needs someone who can guide them.

the county needs someone who is experience with scfd and scso issues







In fairness they are trying to rectify this, in the reform document zep announced his intention to fill the Chief Paramedic and Assistant Chief positions

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heard this since 2020 l0l


the only reason scfd is in decline is because this is a cops and robbers game. You should know that mr ffa director, as our applications rate pales in comparuson to those of the likes of POST. zep is a great chief, and quite frankly there’s nothing no one can do about it.

the fire and ems community is declining, not just scfd

we shall simply cope and seethe


out of*

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holy shit SCFD is a huge mess, thanks for informing me.

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Coping so hard lol. The main reason why the department is like this is because nothing was done for a year until some people who weren’t even in the department realized how dogshit it was and demanded change. HICOM was fully aware of the problems and there is clear evidence of this and still did nothing and the CE at the time didn’t even bother trying to help the situation. How can you expect people to be fufilled and join the department when you have your own command members wanting out because of how crap management has been and SAR and PIO left in complete ruins?

zep has done a half decent job at fixing the command structure however little to no information has been stated regarding the current Captain who just casually took 6 months break and got a slap on the wrist. We can only hope he does something about the AC position.


Firestone will always been cops and robbers centric. Hopefully v3 will bring more attention to the Fire/EMS community.


This is not an excuse for how poorly the department is performing and it’s flat horrifyingly embarrassing you claim it’s the only reason the department has been in a decline.

The department is a complete failure and can only provide bare minimum services in the county. Is the decline of the community in general to blame? Sure but at the same time, the High Command has failed its members by failing to address problems that could’ve been solved months or a year ago.

It’s utterly ridiculous how it took four former members to push at the high command to even make some type of GOOD change. It’s like the department is run on purpose to be ‘low standard’ because the leadership effort in general is low.

‘intention’ yet there has been no action for continued months. When is anything going to change? When are we going to be given insight? What has this reform completed? (only initiated because former members begged High Command to change their ways for the positive sake of the department

It’s almost like I and other former members (Crosslay, roblox) have offered to help the current high command by working in officer or division positions but made it nowhere. It’s like the communication is embarrassingly terrible or he doesn’t want to hire us on purpose.


the announcement this was announced in was literally made just over a month ago. Give the fucking man some time

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So many issues on the table that need to be resolved, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

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if you don’t play the game anymore how can you say anything about the department’s internal operations

get a fucking grip my guy

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You have two eyes you can read. I’m not gonna read it to you like a 4th grader. You know I’m right so stop playing the reindeer games.


how about we stop dissing individuals and list ideas that can improve the operations of the department. being pissy bitches isn’t helping, but you CAN help by offering some constructive criticism at the very least.

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I respect zeppelin and have worked with him for three continuous years but I am not blind to incompetence as an administrator. There are things he addresses well and things he is absolutely blind to or ignores on purpose.

As a leader, you need to execute your responsibilities wether you like it or not with what you’re confronted with, if you fail to do you are failing the department itself.

I do believe there are ways to start basing improvements in the department but when you are ignored it is challenging to push for those positive changes.


Listen I’ve given criticism time and time again but every single time I do so nobody rectifies the issue.