Postal Service Act

Postal Service Act

Proposed by: CoolPilotCaio1, Speaker of the House

         Be it enacted by the State of Firestone Congress here assembled,

§ 1. TITLE

    (a) This Act shall be known as, and may be cited as, the “Postal Service Act”.


    (a) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon the completion of the constitutionally required processes.


    (a) Should any part of this Act be stuck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.


    (a) For the purposes of this Act, the ‘Firestone Criminal Code’, as described by the Criminal Code Revision Act (R), shall be defined as: Trello

    (b) For the purposes of this Act, the ‘Traffic Act’ shall be defined as: Trello

    (c) The Firestone Postal Service shall be defined as: Firestone Postal Service - Roblox

    (d) Postal Service Employee shall be defined as being an active on-duty person who is using the postal service truck to deliver items to designated locations.


    (a) Chapter 4, § 21 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be created and be titled “§21 - Crimes on the Postal Service”

    (b) Chapter 4, § 21 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be classed as a Class B Misdemeanor and result in 350 seconds in a state correctional facility.

    (c) Chapter 4, § 21 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall state,

         “(a) The act of impersonating a postal employee shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

         (a1) Impersonating a postal employee shall be the act of establishing oneself as a Postal Service Employee as defined by other statutes (including wearing postal service uniforms) when they are not, in a blatantly negligent or malicious manner.

         (b) The act of impeding a postal employee shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

         (b1) Impeding a postal employee shall be the act of causing any sort of interference or impedance to the duties of a Postal Service Employee without a lawful cause, or preventing a Postal Service Employee from executing their duties or services of using the postal service truck to deliver items to designated locations without a lawful cause.”

    (d) The Firestone Postal Service shall be considered a Government agency that is responsible for delivering items around the county.


    (a) Chapter 4, § 13, subsection a2 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “(a2) Those employed within a Government Department shall be exempt from this law when on-duty.”

    (b) Chapter 4, § 13, subsection a2 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall now state, “(a2) Those employed within a Government Department or driving a postal service delivery truck shall be exempt from this law when on-duty.”

    (c) Chapter 4, § 2, subsection n of the Traffic Act shall be added and state, “The Firestone Postal Service as defined by other statutes shall be exempt from this section while stopping near the delivery location to deliver an item.”

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone


The Honorable CoolPilotCaio1, Speaker of the House


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