POST | Appeal Verdict #001, POSTgate?

I want to clarify this point: what actions did Skull and Dino do that violated the POST oath? It can be argued that their speech violated the oath but I have not seen anyone point out an action that violated the POST oath.


@Ftlicious refer to atlyarch’s respond

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Both sides here are garbage if you ask me.

Skull shouldn’t be going behind his boss and acting power hungry af, like he did. On the other hand, he didn’t do anything to get a bar or cert revoke. Not liking someone and asking for their removal is not worthy of that.

I’m quite disappointed to see so many here disregard this and try to ruin someone because they didn’t like the Sheriff.


can you not comment on behalf of an entity without the consent of said entity



TL;DR please

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Exotic is biased apparently

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@MarshallJAddison So like apparently no one can read documents correctly, it CLEARLY says that it is REQUESTED. Josh AND Nin could strike this down if they wanted. In no form is this biased, it was never offical, just a REQUEST.

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a request reads as “please look into this.”

a demand would have lines like “if you truly look…” “as the appeals director…” “let’s be serious…”

not to mention, a true request wouldn’t have been made public. publicizing the document was a shitty attempt at manipulation. by bringing his argument into the public eye, he wanted to create a trial by publicity against josh. obviously that didn’t work, because this is an incompetent document and i would have expected at least a little more competence from someone in such a position of power.

i digress. this is clearly a biased “recommendation.”


strap has earned my full respect with what hes saying

and i just realized everything i dm’ed him about my term was me just talking out of my ass

sry strap <3

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As the chairperson of CGOC I’d like to speak as to why we denied our investigation into this (link)

We are the Congressional GOVERNMENT Oversight Committee. In my opinion, this falls out of our jurisdiction. We believe that a separate entity should take the lead on this investigation. That’s really it.


Cough dps

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No intelligence agency (as of now) can really investigate the County Government. The closest department that can do this is the DOJ but even then, the situation would need to be grave enough for it to enter state jurisdiction.


I legit said “no comment”, which is not a comment

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responding on the behalf of an entity, even if it is to say “no comment,” is a comment.



I mean, you’re going around responding on my behalf regarding the bars I proposed, so calm down

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The (Enter word) gate thing is getting old, lets be unique peeps!!!


when precisely did i comment on your behalf?

ive commented on the bars, ive never commented for you. quit just making up bullcrap to validate your own idiocy.


Quit the off topic back and forth on personal bs

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