Good evening citizens,
It is clear that the Troopers of the Firestone State Patrol want me back as the man leading this great agency.
I’ve served as Superintendent for a year and 15 days, and everything was running absolutely fine under my command. Governor OfficerVideoGame refuses to listen to the citizens and Troopers, which is unjust. The majority of the Troopers want me back, and you shouldn’t hold a grudge against me and listen to them. It’s your job pretty much.
I respect Colonel IJake15, but his plans are putting FSP in a step back. With the new plans I implemented before I was terminated was going to move FSP in a great, positive direction, and then he reverted it all putting FSP in a bad direction. FSP needs me as the stable leader that it’s had for a year and 15 days because everything was fine. With my plans, all my gold command staff agreed with it, and if you allow me to explain it, you would understand the concept of chain of command and police structure/function.
With this petition, we want me, WaterLostic, to be nominated for the position I’ve served in for a year and 15 days, as Superintendent of the Firestone State Patrol. Haters, keep hatin’ because you’re only making the movement stronger.
#BringWaterBack #Water4Super #FSP4ForwardSteps
Former Superintendent WaterLostic