Petition to allow people to represent themselves in criminal cases

@NotoriousAmerican Whatever happened to that amendment?

Its better without it

So you enjoy seeing people get imprisoned because they don’t know what they’re doing? I mean, I do. But most find that unnecessary. Back before this policy, I gave a plaintiff eight hours in prison because, knowing fuck all, kept trying to say the same thing, that got objected and sustained.

Can one of you please just find me the doccument where it says this?


Justice Department Recognition Act of 2017 @DannyboyJurist @pyrothan

Ey you found it

May I also add pyrothan co-sponsored it.

Well that’s just hilarious

i regret that decicion

Tbh, I could see mandating Legal Advisors but not someone who actually represents them.

@TitanNation Constitutional Amendment is the miranda rights, You have the right to an attorney. You can’t force someone to exercise their right if they don’'t want to.

When the fuck does Miranda rights apply for whenever you are REPORTING a crime. A prosecutor takes over, also, Miranda rights are only used whenever someone is being arrested/questioned, so your argument is kind of irrelevant.

The Law doesn’t specify how the miranda rights are used. Example: a Victim exercises their right to remain silent or lawyer or something while reporting a crime.

The only thing specify is that Law Enforcement Officers are required to read them to question anyone.

But you’re giving consent that you’re submitting, so it kind of doesn’t apply my dude

Idk what the hell you mean or what you are on…

I concur with your assessment.

Let me re-word myself if you don’t want to submit a case, DON’T. You aren’t being forced to, therefore the Miranda rights don’t apply, as you can just choose to not submit. That’s like saying, you’re talking to a justice about how’s their day been, and they can get an attorney because of it. It makes no sense. So because someone submitted something, they had the choice not to, so they don’t get the attorney.

Do you even know what the hell you’re saying?

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Quite clearly he doesn’t.

Welp, make legislation that doesn’t allow it, but from my understanding of the law, anyone is entitled to an attorney.

But srsly, that was a horrible example. Someone asks how their day is going? like srsly?