OliverSteph for Mayor of the District of Prominence

OliverSteph For District of Prominence Mayor

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Past Experience
Chapter III: Plans for the District
Chapter IV: Chapter IV: Bills Written in my term as District Councilman
Chapter VI: Deputy Mayor Information
Chapter VII: Wrapping Up/Campaign Discord

Chapter I: Introduction

Hello, I appreciate your time to read this campaign speech. My name is Oliver Steph, I’ve been in Firestone for roughly 2-3 years now, I have served many legislative and private positions such as State Senate/House, Prominence District Council, and Stapleton County Council. I’ve gained friendships I could never see myself without, met some of the greatest people, and seen people’s dedication to the creation of a world where basically anything is possible. I hope that while reading this, you may be convinced to support and possibly vote for me for the Mayor of the District of Prominence.

Chapter II: Past Experience

Throughout my time in Firestone as well as other groups on roblox, I have gained a lot of great experience, you may learn about it by clicking HERE

Chapter III: Plans for the District

Throughout my time in the State, I have been focused primarily on the Private Sector. I feel that this group is kept alive by the creativity and activity of the businesses within this group, although the District does not have the most power, I do feel I can make a truly big difference in this position. Some of my plans are:

  • Work with my Press Secretary to create frequent releases about events within the District to ensure that it’s citizens know what is happening, when it happens.

  • Create a better business program within the District known as “The Prominence Business Program” to organize meetings, events, and a business of the week (or month) within the District, allowing more attention and activity to go into these businesses.

  • Work with technological businesses such as Capital Gas and Stapleton Power Grid to create an extremely successful powergrid and safe gas system for the citizens of the District.

  • Work with State and County Legislature to fix issues within the District which may only be solved at higher levels.

  • Create a successful emergency event plan to create a safe environment for citizens in the worst of times.

  • Most importantly, listening to the Citizens of the District to solve issues which must be resolved.

Chapter IV: Bills Written in my term as District Councilman

An Amendment to City Charter Article IV, Section 12: Allows the Mayor to renominate a Chairman of the Council in the event plans must be edited or the candidate fails without reasons.

An Amendment to District Charter Article VI, Section 1: Fixes spelling/grammar errors within the Charter, allowing a safer emergency declaration within the District.

Chapter VI: Deputy Mayor Information

I am currently working to find a Deputy Mayor candidate, at the moment I am between two candidates and am attempting to pick the candidate who may best help and represent the citizens.

Chapter VII: Wrapping Up/Campaign Discord

I do hope this pseech may have convinced you to support me, please know my DMs are always open and I will respond as soon as possible if you’d like to DM me (Beans#9081) or join my campaign discord to talk with other supporters! Thank you so much for your time in reading this, I hope to have your support.


“Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.”
-William Shakespeare

I’m not saying your bad but I have not seen much activity within the senate from you and you have already got an unexcused absence. I personally do not think you would be able to handle this role unless I could see more activity

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Support form Governor Floatmanjason

  • Was elected to PPT
  • Did not show up to any session except for two:
    1. A motion to vacate the office of the PPT
    2. The expulsion of OliverSteph for inactivity.

Then you were elected to the senate.

You said you wouldn’t be inactive again.

Was playing another game. Did not respond to requests to join the session.


As explained to Mr. Yean, the unexcused absence was 100% my fault, I did not realize the time and missed it. I am attempting to fix that and am currently looking into new bills to write for the Senate :slight_smile: I also have attempted to move on from past events to change and improve.

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like what

two incredibly basic, puddlewater, bills.


so you aren’t prepared to run for office?

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  1. Nothing at the moment, just speaking generally in the likely event that problems arise with bills and must be fixed.

  2. I believe any bill that clear up and removes interpretation from laws/charters is useful. The bill to allow renomination of the chairman allowed for the candidate to fix their plans and give more detail to the council.

  3. Campaign discord is just in case people want to chat :smiley:

  4. I am prepared, I just want to ensure my Deputy Mayor candidate is the best I can possibly get!

oh yea and then there was this

this failed

this failed

this failed

Is a disasterious state career your reason for going towards a municipal career?

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As said previously, I’m trying to move on from old events and yes, I do believe I can help more municipally!


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Support from DOBW Secretary HippoGamingRB

The only differences between this speech and your old speech are:

  • Wording in introduction
  • The link to the campaign discord
  • Section 4, covering the bills you wrote as a councillor

Even the Shakespeare quote is identically put. The formatting is identical too.

(Right hand side = this one)

@OliverSteph How can we trust you to be mayor if we can’t even trust you to write a unique speech?

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support my friend

no support, terrible candidate

best candidate
full support!!!

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I still have most of the same to accomplish, theres no reason to change everything just to say the same. Also, most if not all of it is reworded, that is also how I format 99% of my speeches so.

auto he already had a speech and reused it, that happens irl all the time lol